Document Repository Extensive Admin Guide
User Upload with Submission Form
User Upload with Submission Form
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So, suppose you want the user who want to upload video for this Document Repository to also fill out a form, and this form might be used to collect some basic information about the upload, maybe ask the user to provide some keywords that's going to be used for the searching. So, if you want to require some sort of a form to be attached, what you can do is go to the Document Repository, click on Manage Feature, and say Require Submission Form for Document Upload. Now what happens is, we're going to come back to the detail, under Content, there's going to be a button that says Manage Form. So, I'm just going to click on it, so this actually should look very familiar to anyone who have used our system for evaluation, it's essentially the same thing. So what we will do now is, I'm just going to pause the video, grab a simple Excel file to load some of the questions to be asked, even though your actual form might look very different. Okay, so we're going to set up the form, so I'm going to set up some evaluation questions. The first one is going to be some instructions, and I have something copied so that people can just make this process a little bit faster, so it's just a little bit of instruction. Next question is going to be multiple choice, Q2, it's going to be multiple choice, I'm going to use multiple choice, it requires a response, and I'm going to put in what the user can select, and I'm just going to quickly copy and paste all the options that's available, so just bear with me. all right so almost there I noticed that the very last option that says other please specify I want to make sure that I check the box that says required text response okay so that's the first question and I'm not gonna make it too complicated but I do want to add another question here so here we go multiple choice and to make this a little bit faster for the recording I'm gonna pause the video and the resume why I have finished so now that I have created two multiple choice question I'm also going to add another question that's really just make sure the user have permission to use so I'm gonna say here okay and then it's gonna be a matrix question because I want to make sure that they acknowledge everything that I want them to acknowledge this is where it's gonna say yes and no and I'm just gonna quickly pause the video as I type in all the agreement the user have to accept finally I want to add another instruction and then just let user know that they sort of have to sign off on this so let's call it sign off and then I'm gonna ask the user to type in their name so I'll just say name this one is gonna be a short answer instead of paragraph and then also the date and this one let's just use the date and I'm gonna make it any date instead of any restrictions so now I have set up this form this form I'm gonna preview it it looks right so know that this form the user will have to fill out when they submit asset so let's see how this will look so now I'm gonna go to learner side and I'm going to try to upload a video so I'm gonna try to upload again and I'm gonna upload the same PDF just as an example I obviously can upload more than one so I can upload another one and I'm gonna click on next so now notice that the user had to fill out the form which the user didn't have to do before so let's just select these notice that we made a multiple choice you can make it a multiple select which is a checkbox if you want but I'm just gonna say yes to every note that the system does not have ability to block the user if they select no so just keep that in mind I'm gonna say Thomas Wong and the date I'm just gonna select today's date which is 27 go click on save so now what happens is two things just get uploaded and that the administrator will have ability to approve move it to the right modules and then make it available so what we're gonna do is we're gonna switch over to admin to see what that looks like so now I'm gonna go to the module and we're going to click over here we're gonna say hey you know let me take a look at the response so I can click on the response I can see what the user have entered and any field that's applicable I can say hey whatever they selected I'm going to make a tag so notice I can just quickly tag things based on users submission so I tag those and I'm going to also tag this ok and I will also approve them and I'll also move them to let's say why not series ok so now it is there and let's go to why not series to see that they are here and notice there's a little tag icon and what the user have entered is added as a metadata so now if learner goes over there they will see these and if I click on this you will see that there is tags set up right so we can also search for any of the tags so let's say I forgot what the tag was so let's just let's just go in here so if I search for this I should be able to find that PDF there we go so the tag is definitely working and the user submission form their answer has been used as a tag simply by the user clicking on add tag so this is how you can use a system to apply a form along with any content upload
Video Summary
The video explains how to require users to fill out a form when uploading a video to a Document Repository. By clicking on "Manage Feature" and selecting "Require Submission Form for Document Upload" in the Document Repository, a button called "Manage Form" will appear under the content details. The video demonstrates setting up the form by adding multiple choice questions, an acknowledgement matrix, and instructions for users to sign off. Once the form is set up, users are prompted to fill it out when uploading a video. The administrator can then review and approve the submissions, tag them, and make them available to learners.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
Require Submission Form for Document Upload
Manage Feature
Manage Form
Multiple Choice Questions
Acknowledgement Matrix
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