Education Subscription
1 - Creating a Subscription Product using Bundle t ...
1 - Creating a Subscription Product using Bundle type
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Video Transcription
So this is the part two of the video tutorial where we will set up a bundle And then we're just going to grab a few courses here, right? So I'm going to click on add and I'm going to create a bundle and I'm going to call this for example Subscription let's call it Education plus Subscription, okay pretend that's what the marketing team has told us is a good name and I'm gonna say subscription and I'm gonna click on next and the pretend this subscription is going to be sold for $50 for members and let's say $100 for non members. All right, and Then what we're gonna do is they're just gonna add what you want as a part of the subscription as part of the subscription We're gonna put it in here, right? So I'm just gonna take out the live course because probably don't want to give away the live course Let's see here and One two three, there you go. I literally have put everything in my system into this bundle or subscription except the live course, right I have a Online library and have a bunch of on-demand course overall. There are 12 courses in here and I have Other than this bundle and this bundle I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 So I have 13 courses I put all 12 of them in the subscription called education plus subscription The only one I didn't put in there is a live course Okay, so this is a subscription that I want and what I'm gonna do is you can obviously set up some front matters But that's not point of this video tutorial what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to set this up okay, so now this is officially a Subscription and at this point is actually just a bundle, right? So what I'm going to do is I'm going to log in as a user and I'm going to start this subscription So I have logged in to the system as a learner who happened to be Happened to be Albert Einstein, okay, and I'm gonna pretend that this user is now going to buy the subscription All right, so we're gonna do that. Like I said, I don't have a front matter, but I'm just gonna make the purchase All right. Here we go I'm just going to say Albert Einstein Okay Okay, and I'm just gonna use a fake credit card because this is actually a test system All Right, so I made the purchase I start and This is what the user sees All right And this should not be a surprise because it is just a bundle and the one the user Purchase it they will have access to the bundle and then when they go to courses All they see is the bundle and this is using what we refer to as a roll-up mechanic so if let's say they start a particular course and The system knows that oh you have access to this course through a bundle So when they go back they will still see this particular course the bundle on The home page and the user had to navigate through this bundle into the course now What we can also do is we can go to this particular A Subscription that we set up and then we probably want to put some information as a pending completion message to say Welcome Thank you for subscribing to our education bundle subscription Subscribing to subscription I know that's not the perfect English But the idea here is you want to tailor the instruction here to exactly why you set up the bundle So because this bundle is actually meant for our subscription. That's what you want to say. So now This is sort of what a bundle does and then you can see it has a lot of similarities To what a subscription needs to be next I'm going to show how to put some characteristics of A subscription into this bundle. Thank you
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker explains how to set up a bundle subscription. They demonstrate how to create a bundle, add courses to it, and set the pricing for both members and non-members. The speaker shows that they have included all courses in their system except for a live course in the bundle. They log in as a user, pretend to make a purchase, and explain that the purchased bundle will be visible to the user with a roll-up mechanic. The speaker also briefly mentions the option to add information or a completion message to the subscription. The video ends with a teaser for the next tutorial where they will explain how to add characteristics of a subscription to the bundle. No credits were mentioned.
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video tutorial
bundle subscription
create bundle
add courses
set pricing
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