Education Subscription
1 - Subscription as part of user's purchase histor ...
1 - Subscription as part of user's purchase history
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If your subscriptions are sold outside of OASIS LMS, you must reach out to 360Factors and discuss how to integrate with OASIS so that we will receive users' subscription entitlement. With that said, the outcome of a successful integration is when I click on a user with an active subscription, the user should have a code in the purchase history that reflects the fact that the user has an active subscription. So in my example here, Thomas Wong will have a purchase history called PLUS CME, which is the code that reflects the fact that this person has an active subscription. Keep in mind that this code will be in addition to any other codes that the user has access to in the purchase history. So the only part that OASIS integration will do is to extract user subscription and append the code to the existing purchase history the user already have. After the code has already been appended to the user's purchase history, OASIS actually does not know if a code is the entitlement to a course or if the code is the entitlement to a subscription. One thing to note is that OASIS will remove this code from user's purchase history if the user's subscription has lapsed. But this is strictly based on the web service that 360 Vector must individually customize for your instance. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, it is explained that if subscriptions are sold outside of OASIS LMS, integration with 360Factors is necessary to receive users' subscription entitlement. The successful integration would result in users with active subscriptions having a code in their purchase history. This code, such as "PLUS CME" in the example of Thomas Wong, indicates the user's active subscription. It is important to note that this code will be added alongside any other codes in the user's purchase history. After appending the code, OASIS is unaware if it represents a course or a subscription. Also, the code will be removed from the user's purchase history if the subscription lapses, based on the customized web service provided by 360 Vector. No credits were granted in the video.
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360Factors integration
subscription entitlement
purchase history
active subscription
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