Education Subscription
2 - Configuring the bundle with subscription behav ...
2 - Configuring the bundle with subscription behaviors
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Video Transcription
So now we're going to go back to this bundle which will be served as a subscription I'm going to click on edit because one thing about the subscription that's important is that it will expire As a matter of fact, typically you want to say that things expire a year after their purchase So here you can see that it is 365 days So that means when a user starts the subscription, their subscription will actually expire after 365 days And the time starts counting as soon as they purchase As you can see here, you could start the counting when they start, after they start Because obviously if someone makes a purchase but didn't start, starting the timer at launch will potentially start the timing much later than if you start the timer after purchase But most of the time, subscription starts when you make the purchase When you do this, there is a couple more things you have to note First is that by default, when a user's access to a course expires, they actually don't lose access to this whole bundle So what you have to do is you have to toggle it to yes So what this means is after the user's access to this course expires, they actually lose access to the course So keep in mind, you have to toggle this to yes Now with this happening, we are going to jump over to Einstein again and let's make the purchase again So I have already refunded iBerEinstein so that we can go through this purchase again So I'm just going to put in a fake credit card And I'm going to start my subscription Okay, so now I'm going to come back here I'm going to click on progress So notice the system knows iBerEinstein has started I'm going to click on progress And then notice that the user's expiration date is October 14, 2023, which is exactly 365 days from today So as you can see here, the system knows when the user made a purchase, which is October 14, 2022 And the system knows when the user's access is going to expire, which is October 14, 2023 So now let's change it just so that for my tutorial, I can simulate someone's access expire So let's say I do this Okay, so I sort of rewind the clock to say, okay, because I'm an administrator I can arbitrarily set your expiration date So I have sort of pushed the expiration up more than 365 days so that iBerEinstein's access would expire All right, so now I'm going to come over here I'm going to click on refresh Notice the user can still see this And if they made any progress inside the subscription or bundle, they actually don't lose those progress And as soon as they re-establish the subscription, they will be able to resume the progress But the idea here, though, is they officially don't have access to it anymore They can click on my courses They will see a little icon indicating that it has expired And this is what the user sees Now, obviously, blocking user from accessing their subscription because they haven't paid is half of the equation The next half is we're going to go back to the course We had to tell the system that when someone's access expires I need to require repurchase if expired So notice that I had to check that box So as soon as they check that box, I'm going to refresh And notice that they can purchase again, right? So keep in mind, you had to check the box to require purchase when expired to create the subscription renew field And you can also go back here, click on configuration Click on custom expired message And you can say here, please click on purchase again to renew your subscription So now, when I refresh, the message changes just in case you want to sort of align any sort of message to what the user experience you want to create Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to make the purchase again Okay, same fake credit card All right, and when I start, you'll notice that the user re-established his subscription So hopefully, this shows what you had to do to use Bondo And configure the Bondo so you behave like a subscription, right? Two things, just a reminder First is you have to set an expiration rule 365 days after purchase will give user one year subscription And you also make sure that you set it to yes to say that the user will lose access to the course after their access expires And to make sure the user can renew, you want to come back here And say require repurchase if expired Thank you
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to set up a subscription service for a bundle of courses. They explain that the subscription will expire after 365 days from the purchase date. The timer starts counting as soon as the subscription is purchased. The speaker also mentions that by default, users don't lose access to the entire bundle when their access to a course expires. However, this can be toggled to ensure that access is lost. The video then shows how a user's access can be renewed after it expires by requiring a repurchase. It concludes with a reminder to set the expiration rule and toggle the access loss option. No credits were granted.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
subscription service
bundle of courses
expiration rule
access loss option
renew access
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