Education Subscription
3 - Losing access to the subscription
3 - Losing access to the subscription
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Video Transcription
So now, suppose the user subscription has expired. In order for user's subscription to expire, your integration must remove user subscription code, which in my case is plus CME. You got to remove it from purchase history. Luckily, I have another browser open, and I will just log back in as this user. And I have already expired this user's subscription in the backend. So here we go. I'm going to go through the single sign-on again. Because the user has already logged in, there were just going to be a little flicker. But as a user profile, if I refresh this screen, notice that the subscription code has disappeared. Not only has it disappeared, if I go to user logs, I will actually see that, hey, user subscription for blah has expired on this date, and that's just because in the backend, we expired the user subscription by setting the expiration date to October 1st. So notice that the user's code plus CME has disappeared from user subscription. Now, at this point, if the user navigate to my courses and navigate to the subscription, user will continue to have access to the subscription. The reason is that OASIS does not recheck user's entitlement to any product, whether it is a subscription or on-demand product, when initially we have already checked to make sure that the purchase history and the store code matches. This is just to speed up the system performance and allow the system to continue to work if your entitlement system is down. With that said, for a subscription-based product, you actually want OASIS to always check every time someone access that product to say, do you have access to that product? So what we're going to do is we're going to check the box that says access revocable. Note that this particular setting is actually unchecked by default. So I have to check it in order for the access to be revalidated every time someone access the product to make sure the user's store code, it still exists. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to log back out and I'm going to log back in. So here we go. Okay, I'm going to go to my courses. And this time I'm going to click on plus CME subscription again. So when I click on it, notice that it will say you no longer have access to plus CME subscription. And this is just because now we are checking your codes to see if your purchase history matches the subscription store code, even after you have started the course. Next video tutorial, we'll talk about how to give user ability to renew the subscription.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains the process of expiring a user's subscription in an integration system. They demonstrate how to remove the user's subscription code from the purchase history and expire the subscription in the backend. The video also mentions that the system does not recheck user entitlements after the initial check, which can be a performance optimization but may not be desirable for subscription-based products. To address this, the speaker shows how to enable the "access revocable" setting so that entitlements are revalidated every time a user accesses a product. The video concludes by mentioning that the next tutorial will cover how to allow users to renew their subscriptions. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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expiring user subscription
integration system
remove subscription code
expire subscription
access revocable setting
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