Education Subscription
5 - Common tasks for operating a subscription
5 - Common tasks for operating a subscription
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Video Transcription
So now, I'm going to show a few things that are common tasks around the subscription, even though they are not strictly about how to set up a subscription. One thing that we typically see our clients do is have a special branding for the subscription. So by default, when users use a course, the banner will be whatever banner is for the site. What I can do is I can go to Configuration for the subscription, and I'm going to upload a banner just for this subscription. So I'm going to click on Refresh here, so you can see that the banner shows up. That's just a banner we created to say that it is an education subscription. Notice that there's a little white background that makes it look a little bit sort of unpolished. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my Photoshop, which has this image. I'm just going to grab the color code. I'm going to copy it. And then as an administrator, I'm going to edit, and I'm going to say the background color needs to be pound, and then that. Okay? So now, as you can see, if I refresh, it bleeds all the way across. It just looks a little bit more consistent. So that's one thing you can improve the user experience and create a little bit of branding when the user is inside of your product. Another thing you can do is in case people doesn't even know about this product, on the catalog, you can set up a banner, right? So I'm going to go to Dashboard. I'm going to go to Setting. I'm going to create a banner, and this time, I'm just going to add a banner that take user to a course on this site. It's going to be this banner. I'm going to add this banner right here, and I'm going to display. Click on Save. All right? So now, if I come over here, and I'm going to refresh, you will see that this banner is across the top, right? So as you can see, you can definitely put a banner both on your catalog as a feature banner or as a feature course if you want, right? So let's do that as well so that we can see, even though it will be a little bit excessive to have a feature banner and a feature course. It's also a feature as a course, but I'm just going to feature that. So now, if I refresh, you'll see it's at the bottom. I can move it to the top. Let's do that. Here we go. Feature courses. I'm just going to move this to the top. There we go. So you can see it's listed here as a feature course. I'm going to go to an account that does not have logged in yet. So you can see that it is listed here. It is listed here. So it's definitely all over the place, right, to make sure people can see it. Another thing you can also do is you can create a shortcut to your subscription just because it's kind of important. So I'm just going to come over here. I'm going to click a permalink. Let's say I'm just going to add a permalink. I'm going to call it education plus. Okay. So that's the URL. I'm just going to copy this URL. Okay. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to dashboard. I'm going to go to course layout. I'm going to go to custom navigation, and I'm just going to add the navigation. So I'm going to call this education plus. Okay. So I'm going to say I'm going to put the navigation on the user's left-hand side. I'm going to, I'm not going to open the new window, but I would display this both before and after the user log in. So I'm going to put it right up below my courses. Okay. So now as you can see, if I just refresh the screen, there's going to be education plus that will take user directly to the course. This subscription. And if you don't like this icon, you can also go to administrator and just change the word icon that you find here that you prefer. So let's say I do this one, a cloud. Okay. So now if I here, you'll see that it is, it says a cloud icon. So you could definitely feel free to change it up. Even though I did not, I'm not going to record how to set up a special landing page, you could potentially set up a special landing page for your subscription, where you can sort of organize your content directly on the subscription landing page. If you're curious about how to set up a special landing page for a course, in this case, your subscription, you can look in OSU university, look for marketing landing page. Thank you.
Video Summary
In the video, the speaker discusses several common tasks related to setting up a subscription. They mention the ability to customize the subscription banner by uploading a specific image and adjusting the background color. The speaker demonstrates how to set up a feature banner and a feature course on the catalog page. They also show how to create a shortcut to the subscription using a permalink and add it to the custom navigation. The video suggests the possibility of setting up a special landing page for the subscription to organize content. For further information, the speaker suggests referring to OSU University's marketing landing page. No specific credits are mentioned in the video.
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subscription setup
customize subscription banner
feature banner
feature course
shortcut to subscription
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