Enemy Courses
Enemy within a bundle - Take one and hide one
Enemy within a bundle - Take one and hide one
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Video Transcription
can see I have removed the enemy course pair that I set up earlier in the first video example and then I'm also going to log in as Jimmy Neutron who was a account that I was using for testing and to show that now that I have removed the enemy pair I am able to purchase the Spanish version. Now let's suppose the enemy relationship within your course actually is not for purchase purpose but instead just letting user know how they can take a course in the same bundle. So what I will do is I'm going to set up a bundle. I'm going to copy this and then notice I made it one say English one for Spanish just so that it's easier. I'm going to say bundle obviously you can have more than these in the bundle but let's just say a bundle example. Okay and I'm just going to add and I'm just going to make it free just so I don't have to make the purchase so that it's faster for my example to go through and inside the bundle courses I'm just going to add oh sorry there I'm going to add both of these and then I'm just going to publish it. Okay so let's say I just published it. Okay so now I'm actually going to use account called Mary Jane. Okay so that's a brand new user and that this time as Mary Jane I'm going to just take this bundle that is free so I'm going to get started. Okay now notice that there are two courses in the bundle and I can take both of them but what I would like to do is to say you can only take one of them. So what I will do is under course enemy courses I'm going to say at the bundle level and I'm referring to this bundle I would like to add a rule that says if when you inside this bundle if you have taken English you cannot do Spanish and if vice versa so it's bi-directional. There we go so now notice it is not for the purpose of purchasing restriction instead it's basically saying okay inside here I'm going to start I'm going to start this version. Okay and as soon as I start if I go to the bundle notice the Spanish version has disappeared. Obviously probably going to have a lot more courses in the bundle so that when the Spanish disappear it doesn't look like there's only one thing left but as you can see at the bundle level enemy courses behave slightly different where instead of restricting users ability to purchase at a bundle level because user have already have access to the courses that's an enemy always is basically saying one of the course would disappear if you take its enemy already. So hopefully this makes sense. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how to set up a bundle of courses using the example of an English course and a Spanish course. The speaker explains how to add a rule at the bundle level so that if a user has already taken one course, they cannot take the other. This rule is bi-directional, meaning it applies both ways. When a user starts a course within the bundle, the course that is the enemy of the one they have taken disappears from the bundle. This feature is not meant for purchasing restrictions, but rather to inform users that they can only take one course from the pair. The video provides a visual demonstration of these steps. No credits were granted in the transcript.
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bundle of courses
set up
English course
Spanish course
rule at bundle level
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