Enemy Courses
Enemy within the (multipart) Family - Take one and ...
Enemy within the (multipart) Family - Take one and hide one
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Video Transcription
As you have probably already guessed, the third example of an enemy course is going to be done under the construct of a multi-part course. I'm just going to copy this one, and I'm going to create a multi-part course. Okay. I'm going to call this a multi-part. Okay. And I'm just going to click on Next. And in this case, in this example, I will also make it $0, so it is easy for me to demo because I don't have to make a purchase. And I'm just going to reuse the existing courses that's in the system. And for this demonstration purpose, I'm just going to select all four on-demand course that I have in the system, in my system, and I'm just going to publish it. Okay. Now that I have published it, what I will do is under course, enemy course, this time I'm going to select the multi-part tab, and I'm going to say, when someone is taking this multi-part course, I will say that if you have taken English version, you can now take the Spanish version, and bi-directional, or vice versa. All right. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump over under Mary Jane, who does not have any courses. I've already cleared all her history out, and I'm just going to do this course once again. So notice it has the four course listed, and this time I'm going to do the Spanish version first. Now that I have done the Spanish version, when I go back, notice the English version disappears. As a rule, I always recommend that when you have mechanics that is complicated, you want to customize the blue box, which we refer to as the instruction for the course, so that the user understand what is the rule for this particular course, because OASIS will always say things that is very, very unhelpful, put it that way, because we don't know what to say that is always accurate. So please update the pending completion message for whatever rule that you have set up, so when the user is taking this course, it is clear to them what to expect. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses the creation of a multi-part enemy course, where the assistant demonstrates the process of selecting existing on-demand courses and publishing them together. They explain how to set up a rule for taking one course before another and recommend customizing the instruction box to clarify the rules for the user. The video concludes by highlighting the importance of updating the pending completion message for the course to provide clear expectations for users. No credits are granted in the transcript.
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Creation Year
multi-part enemy course
selecting on-demand courses
publishing courses together
setting up rules
customizing instruction box
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