Extending User Data with User Custom Fields
3 - An example where user's custom field is popula ...
3 - An example where user's custom field is populated from user's SSO data payload
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Video Transcription
We will continue our previous example where we have already created some custom fields for the user, for all the users. In this particular example, these custom fields are automatically saved from the data from user single sign-on payload. So as you can see here, this particular user, the information is automatically filled in because this is the information that came from single sign-on. I do want to stress, this is the example where custom fields are populated by loading the data from single sign-on. In your example, your system might put the data in these custom fields through some other means. Now, without these fields, you can then easily download any report that will have those fields. Lastly, to drive home the point of how the data are loaded in these custom fields, I will show here, and I'm just going to look at one particular field. So let's say here, okay? You will see that if you want to know where did this field come from, you will see that during the single sign-on process, this particular field is this value, and that is why we saved it to the user custom fields table within OASIS. Thank you.
Video Summary
Custom fields for users are created and populated with data from single sign-on in this example. The fields are automatically saved from the user's single sign-on payload, making it easy to retrieve and download reports with the populated information. This video emphasizes how data is loaded into these custom fields, showcasing a specific field as an example. It highlights the direct link between the single sign-on process and the data saved in the user custom fields table within OASIS. This method simplifies data management and ensures accurate information for user profiles.
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custom fields
single sign-on
data management
user profiles
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