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2 - Adding Custom Cover and Peer Comments
2 - Adding Custom Cover and Peer Comments
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One thing we want to highlight is that even though these are loaded as PDF, they all have a PDF default icon, which you may not like. So you can actually change the poster, just like we changed the poster for a text when we set up the sponsor. You can easily do a poster here. So let's say we just use the same poster for every PDF, because we do not like the way the PDF icon looks. We're just going to do that. I'm going to use the same Cars Against Humanity, just so that that's sort of an icon that really sticks out. And I'm also going to use the same poster for one of the videos, just to show you that Even though OASIS automatically creates a cover image for you, you can always overwrite it. So here we go. So first one is a PDF, first three is PDF, next one is, oh, I'm sorry. First one is a video, next three is a PDF. Notice that there is no visual indication anymore about which one is PDF, which one is video, because we have sort of provided a custom cover image. But if I click on it, this will be the video. And then if I click on this one, it will be the PDF. So that is how you can turn on, you can override the custom, you can override the cover image. Next thing I want to show is typically you might want the user to be able to provide comment. So that's what allow peer comment does, is it allows you, so I'm going to refresh this screen here, it's going to add a comment area at the bottom. Notice that it is unmoderated, as in nobody's going to be notified, no administrator will be notified when someone make a comment, and the user will be notified if they have made a comment to a particular poster, they will be able to receive a poster if someone follow up with their comment. So that is how the poster works. In the next video, we'll talk about how to add some sponsorship capability around the poster.
Video Summary
The video discusses how to customize the cover image of PDF files in a web-based platform called OASIS. The speaker demonstrates changing the default PDF icon to a custom poster to make it visually distinct. They also show that the platform automatically generates a cover image for videos, but users can override it with a custom image. The speaker then explains how to enable peer comments and notifies that the comment section is unmoderated. In the next video, they will address adding sponsorship capabilities to the poster. No credits were mentioned.
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customize cover image
PDF files
web-based platform
changing default PDF icon
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