Full Example of Virtual Event
3 - Setting up Exhibitor Booth
3 - Setting up Exhibitor Booth
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Video Transcription
Now we are ready to show how to set up the booth when the user actually click on the cover image. So what goes inside this booth, right? So once again, we have only set up sort of the map of all the exhibitors, and we now need to show how what the user will see when they sort of walk into a booth. So as I'm going to switch to the admin view, so it's just text. So I'm going to click on pencil, and I'm just going to type a few things that is going to be related to this particular exhibitor. And I'm just going to copy some text from another notepad. So I stole some text from Wikipedia. I'm just going to copy it here. So if we just regular text, as you can see, as soon as I put it in there over here, I'm going to show this is a regular text. So nothing too fancy yet. I simply put it in text, and obviously you can put the HTML in there. So to do that, I'm just going to go to the next one for the Webtoon. I'm going to put some HTML in here. So what I will do is I'm going to say rich text box. I'm actually going to... Oh, there we go. So it already has some of the HTML in here. Let's just start over to say Webtoon information can be found here, and then we can put a link here. So obviously, this particular video tutorial is not meant to show you how to do HTML, but just show you where you go, and then you probably want to open a new window if they click on that. So there we go. So now if I go over here to the Webtoon, you will see that it's HTML with a link. When people click on it, they can send somewhere. So you can put... You can now add your own style sheet, but you can put bold, list, hyperlink, anything you want. Next, what I want to do is I want to add some multimedia if you have that particular sponsor's information. So let's grab Cards Against Humanity, and let's put a video in here. So pretend that we're going to put some text here. So let's say this is the text, and I'm going to put a video here. So this is how you go about doing that. First, you put the text in, and then what you do is you add a supporting document. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to upload a video that happened to be on my computer. Okay, so it's 7 megs. So pretend that this is an exhibitor booth where they have some text. Oh, there we go. I'm going to call it Introduction. Okay, so this is going to be an example where the user, the sponsor, want to have a pitch. Now, you can have more than one video if you want just by adding another supporting document, and you can also upload images, PDF, whichever you want. Okay, so now I'm actually going to do this. I'm going to remove this just to show you what it looks like before and after I make a little trick. Okay, so now this video is available. This is for Cards Against Humanity. So if I go here and I click on Cards Against Humanity, notice the video is on the right-hand side. So if you want to put the video here, what you do is it requires a little bit of a naming convention. What you do is you do bracket, and then the name of the supporting document, which is called Introduction. Okay, now what you can do is come over here. You refresh. It's going to show up right here. Right smack in the middle. So then you say, well, I actually don't want it to be this big, right? So what you can do is you can click on the pencil icon again, and they just say it's using a third of the space. You just do open bracket, close, square bracket, open, square bracket, close, square bracket, open, and close again. Click on Save. Over here, now I refresh. Now it's using a third of the space. So as you can see, by using a little bit of naming convention, you have a pretty good control over the placement of the video. But this is just an example of how you can dress up a particular booth. And obviously, you had to do this by collecting the necessary wording and images or multimedia from your sponsor. And before I end the call, let's just add another image to say choose Chicago. Okay, so let me just do. So let's say about what's, what is it? What is it about Chicago? So let's pretend that this is what we're going to put in the booth. We are going to. Okay. And now we're going to just add an image. Okay. So I'm going to select Chicago. I'm going to add a supporting document. I'm going to put an image. I'm going to upload an image. And just for grant, I'm going to just upload an image that I already have. Here we go. I'm just use a gold sponsor image. It doesn't really matter. So, and I'm going to say gold. Okay. Now, if I come over here and I click on choose Chicago, you said the image is right here. I can optionally push the image in the middle of the text by coming here, do bracket, gold, close bracket. So now if I hit a refresh, the image is here. Obviously we can do the trick again by using the square bracket. That's what we're going to do just to make a little bit smaller. There we go. Refresh. There we go. It's just a little bit smaller. So that is, and then you can obviously control your image as well. If you want the image to be even smaller, you just upload a smaller image, right? So, all right. So this concludes how to set up a booth. Our support can definitely help you if you ran into issues of getting the booth to look exactly the way that you want it. But when you do reach out to our support, please come with sort of a mechanic related question instead of artistic related question, how do I make my booth look prettier? Because everyone has a different opinion on how to make a booth pretty.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates the process of setting up a booth. It shows how to add text, HTML, multimedia, and images to the booth. The presenter explains how to customize the placement and size of videos and images using naming conventions. They also mention that support is available for technical questions but advise against seeking assistance for aesthetic preferences. The video concludes by stating that booth customization depends on individual preferences.
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setting up a booth
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