Full Example of Virtual Event
3 - Virtual Event without Tracks
3 - Virtual Event without Tracks
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three tracks. And you realize that the track actually is not something that's useful. So what you can do is you can actually set up a multi-day concurrent session without tracks. So we're going to go through an example that is actually easier than the example we just went through, which basically says I'm going to get rid of the tracks. I'm going to delete this so that it no longer cares about tracks. It's just sessions across dates of two days. So we're just going to set up the exact same thing that we did earlier except no tracks. So this is what we're going to do. We had a Rope Annual Meeting 2018. I even spelled the name wrong so let me just fix that first. So what we're going to do is I'm going to create another one. Let's call it 2021 just so that it's a little bit different. So here we go. So once again it needs to be a multi-part to start and we're going to call it 2021. So Annual Meeting 2021. I'm just going to keep everything simple. Maybe give it a good price, $85. So that's just the shell to hold the sessions. But this time remember because we don't do tracks it's actually only one level nesting instead of two level nesting. So what we do is we're just going to add a bunch of chart courses. As a matter of fact it's one, two, three, four, there's 10 chart courses. So I'm going to add 10 chart courses directly here and then what I'm going to do is we'll show what it looks like. So I'm just going to add a live course and I'm just going to basically take what we have done earlier for the multi-track version and but to create a version of it that doesn't have a lot of tracks. So I'm going to pause the video while I create these 10 live course that is a chart course of the overall virtual conference and then we can record and see what the user experience looks like. Which just so everyone knows is actually very similar to the version that does not have that does have track. So we have set up all the 10 live courses as a direct descendant of this particular course and as always we want to make sure that the system knows it is a virtual conference with concurrent session. Just so the layout is going to look more straightforward for a virtual conference setup. So now that this is done I sort of want to compare the two side by side of one example where there is a track. I'm going to click on course outline another one where it does not have a track. So as you can see this one has tracks we're going to expand it this one does not have tracks and I realized I did not follow my own advice of adding a unique code in front of it but the idea though is by keeping this as one level nesting instead of two level nesting you the only thing you lose is is a drop down for tracks and there's some of the sort of grouping and business rules that can be applied at the track level that no longer is available because all the live sessions are one level but then the function functionally it is the same so let's just buy this course to see what it looks like. So we're going to use our fake credit card to buy it. Okay, so when we start the course, you'll see that this course look almost identical to the course that has tracks. So let me open the one that has tracks to show you. The only thing that's different is this dropdown. That's it. Everything else is identically the same. And obviously, I did not name it 100% the same way. But everything else is exactly the same.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates setting up a multi-day concurrent session without using tracks. The speaker creates a new session called Annual Meeting 2021 and adds ten chart courses directly to it. They also add a live course that replicates the multi-track version but without tracks. The video shows the user experience for both versions, highlighting that the only difference is the dropdown for tracks. The speaker concludes by purchasing the course and showing that it looks almost identical to the course with tracks, except for the dropdown. No credits were granted in the video.
Asset Caption
If nesting live sessions within a track is not necessary, the virtual event can be set up without the tracks, thus creating a one-level deep, multipart course.
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Creation Year
multi-day concurrent session
Annual Meeting 2021
chart courses
live course
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