Full Example of Virtual Event
4 - Setting Navigation Bar for Schedule View
4 - Setting Navigation Bar for Schedule View
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So suppose you're on this schedule view now where you can see every single course you have listed and then you realize there's a lot of space on the right-hand side, you want to put some sponsor information in. What you can do is you can switch over to the admin. So we will refer to this as the schedule view. So what you do is you find the course that is used as a schedule view, which for us is this particular one, and that can go to navigation, and that can add a few navigations. So this is very similar to how we set up navigation for other products such as ExpoHall, any kind of document repository. So let's just pick a few icons from my current computer. You can put square ones or rectangle ones. Square ones I have happens to be 200 by 200, and the rectangle happens to be 200 by 100. But you really can use whatever you want as long as they're the same size because if they're different sizes, you just look weird, unless you want to give a bigger presence for a more premium sponsor. I'm just going to use square for our demonstration purpose. I'm just going to pick a few. Let's pick this one. I'm going to say, Cards Against Humanity. Okay. I'm just going to add a few, and then I'm actually going to pause the video, add a few, and then switch over to show what it looks like. So you can see here, I actually added not just a few, quite a few, right? And make sure that you select alignment to right, so you will show up on the right-hand side. Then, and before I leave this screen, notice that you can actually import. If you have same set of sponsor, and you want to use it on different product or different pages within your virtual event, you can click on import, and then the system will create a copy of all the sponsors with their images and logos and links, and send the user, and it will create a copy of them. So you can see here, I have a few products that already have some sponsors that I can just click on use. I'm not going to do that, because I actually end up creating a much longer list here. So now that I have set it up, if I go back to that particular virtual event, and look at the schedule view, I'm going to go here. This is schedule view. You will see that the sponsor listing is here, and as a matter of fact, if I click on this, it will send the user to that page. So notice they send the user to that page in a new tab, so the user does not lose their position in the calendar view.
Video Summary
The video explains how to add sponsor information to the schedule view of a virtual event. By accessing the admin section, users can add sponsor icons to the right-hand side of the schedule view. The icons can be square or rectangle, as long as they are the same size. The video demonstrates adding multiple sponsor icons, selecting alignment to the right. Additionally, users have the option to import sets of sponsors for different pages within the event. The added sponsor listings on the schedule view serve as clickable links that open in a new tab, ensuring users do not lose their position in the calendar view.
Asset Caption
This is typically used to set up a sponsor panel when user is viewing the schedule for your events.
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add sponsor information
schedule view
virtual event
admin section
sponsor icons
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