Full Example of Virtual Event
8 - Enable Raffling (Advanced)
8 - Enable Raffling (Advanced)
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Another feature that's kind of useful is the raffling system for the sponsor. So what you do here is you can go to content. So what we're trying to do is we're trying to say when you're here, I want you to click a button to say enter raffle. And that's just a way to track the fact that you have been to the booth. So there's a couple of things. Number one is by default, we're going to assume that if the user click on it, they will automatically enter the raffle. But sometimes that's not the case. Sometimes you want them to actually physically click a button. So this is what we do. And I cannot do it on this example because I have visited this booth before. So what I'm going to do is I haven't clicked. So the tick is not showing up here, nerds knows, because I haven't clicked into it. So if I click into it right now, it's going to say that I have been entered the raffle. So what I want to do is I'm going to go to nerds, click on edit, to say that mark as viewed when open, you uncheck it. When you do this, that means the user, when they enter the booth, they're not automatically flagged as visited. They have to click on a button. So now if I click into it, obviously we haven't set up the booth yet, but there's a button that says mark as viewed, which is not the same as enter raffle, but what we can do is we can change the wording to say, okay, for terminology, I'm going to say enter raffle. So now when I refresh the screen, it's going to say enter raffle. Then what I can also do is when the user click on raffle right now, it doesn't really say anything. It just says, great, you entered. If I want to have a message show up for the user, what I can do is I can go to settings, mark as complete submission message. I can click on enter to say you have entered into the raffle. So now what happens is I'm going to go back to the exhibitor hall. I'm going to click on one that I haven't been to. Oh, wait, so crunchy roll. But remember, I have to go to the crunchy roll. This is something that you might forget. You got to go to the crunchy roll, click on edit, and say that I need to make sure that you got to click a button. Otherwise, I'm going to think that as soon as you enter, it's viewed. I need to say that when you open, I don't consider you as viewed. You got to click on button, and I'm going to say something here. Say something about crunchy roll, just so that it's not so empty when I walk into the booth. Okay, so most important thing is I unchecked the box. Now if I click into it, that's what I just said. But notice this button now shows up, and then when I click on it, the message shows up. So that's how you can enable a raffle system into the exhibitor booth.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses a useful feature called the raffling system for sponsors. They explain that users visiting a booth can click a button to enter a raffle, which tracks their visit. By default, clicking the button automatically enters the user into the raffle, but this can be changed so that the user has to physically click the button. The speaker demonstrates how to set this up by unchecking a box and changing the wording on the button. They also explain how to add a submission message for users who enter the raffle. This enables a raffle system in an exhibitor booth. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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raffling system
booth visit tracking
click button
submission message
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