Full Walkthrough on Customizing User Experience in ...
2B. Customization for External Course with Externa ...
2B. Customization for External Course with External URL
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Let's apply the same customization to the second variety of external course where it is external URL-based course. So what we're going to do is we're going to come over as administrator. I'm going to go to the course, which has the two in it, and I'm going to go to settings just like I did earlier, and I'm going to hide the credit badge and the price badge. Now I'm going to refresh. Notice that the credit is gone and the price is being vague. However, when I click into it, notice that this information technically is still wrong. This is not a problem for purchase URL-based external course because user never see this page. User just get bounced directly to the purchase URL. But for external URL-based external course, I have a landing page and this label is going to be wrong. So what I can do is, as you can already imagine, I can customize the label. So I can say credit offered, credit claimed on site X, Y, and Z. And I can say that the purchase required on site X, Y, and Z. So basically what you're saying is there is going to be credit, but it is handled completely outside. So now I'm just going to click on refresh. Notice that the cost and the credit is a label. So hopefully this allows you to customize the user experience to match how you want the user to, how you want to set the expectation for the user so that they will not be negatively surprised when they actually get forwarded to another site. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to customize external URL-based courses. They demonstrate how to hide the credit badge and price badge for the course. Although the information may still appear incorrect on the landing page, the speaker suggests customizing the labels to set the right expectations for users. They recommend using labels like "credit offered" and "purchase required" on specific sites. By doing this, the user experience can be enhanced to prevent negative surprises when users are redirected to another website. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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external URL-based courses
hide credit badge
hide price badge
customizing labels
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