How recommendation works in OasisLMS
User Experience in Evergreen Recommendation
User Experience in Evergreen Recommendation
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Video Transcription
Now that we have set up the evergreen recommendation, where we are going to make immunology context as the one at the top, and then the sudden rise and fall of telehealth as below all the cross-selling product, let's take a look at the user experience. I'm going to first look at Ashley. So what I'm going to do is I am going to click on the recommended, and you will very quickly notice that what is being recommended is not listed for Ashley. So what happened? Actually it's very important to remember that OASIS will only display a course on the recommendation list if the user have not started the course. If the user have already started the course, there's no reason to recommend that course anymore because obviously the user have already taken the course, and the recommendation is meant to surface courses for the user to take, not to remind user what course she or he has already taken. So this is why Ashley recommendation list does not have this too. Now I'm going to go to Jennifer's page. This is recommendation. I'm just going to refresh so you can see. This is recommendation page. So notice that immunology is at the top, and sudden rise and fall is not displayed either because she has already taken that course. So hopefully this illustrate how Evergreen recommendation works and also remind everybody who is watching this tutorial that recommendation only surface courses that the user have not taken. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains the setup of an evergreen recommendation system which prioritizes new courses a user hasn't started yet. It uses immunology context as a top recommendation, with telehealth listed lower. However, if a user like Ashley or Jennifer has already begun a course, it won't appear in their recommendations. The system, referred to as OASIS, aims to promote new learning opportunities rather than reminding users of courses they've initiated.
evergreen recommendation system
new courses
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