Image Library
1. Enable Image Library
1. Enable Image Library
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we'll show how to set up an image item bank. To enable image item bank, go to exam settings, go to image library, and you can say turn on image library. So we are going to go through all the options one by one, but let's just see what it looks like when you do image library. So if you only have this thing checked, just click on dashboard, you will see that there is an image icon show up now. So let's just go in there to take a look. So with image library, administrator can accumulate a list of images, and then you can add an image, and then you can essentially create an image outside of questions and make those images available for questions to write against them. So let's say we're just going to submit an image, so we're just going to randomly pick one. Let's say we are going to use this arm, there we go. So we can give it an image title, you can have some caption and keyword, but the bottom line is this is the image that is available in the image library that any question can use. So it's created separate from a question. So let's just give it a caption, let's call it arm doing MRI for example. Okay, so now if I go to a question, any question I want, let's go to just one of the questions, we can click on edit, and if you want to add an image, you can basically pick the image from the image library. So this is the most simplistic way of creating an image library, because it's an image that any questions can then pick from.
Video Summary
This video tutorial demonstrates how to set up an image item bank. To enable it, go to exam settings, select image library, and turn it on. With image library, administrators can create a list of images and add them to questions. By submitting an image, giving it a title, caption, and keyword, it becomes available for any question to use. To add an image to a question, simply choose it from the image library. This is a straightforward method of creating and utilizing an image library for question writing. No credits mentioned.
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video tutorial
image item bank
exam settings
image library
question writing
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