Image Library
3. Enable Image Meta Data
3. Enable Image Meta Data
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Video Transcription
As you can see, progressively, we can track more information about images. After topic, you can also track metadata. So let's see what it means by tracking metadata before we discuss these four fields. So now we go to images, when we add an image, notice other than the topic, we can also ask for the notes, sources, contributor, and permission required. So each image will now have additional fields that you can enter. Let's say in addition to that, we want some dropdowns. So what we're going to do is we're going to, let's say we just enable two dropdowns, but you can have up to four. Let's say modality, and I have a little bit cheat sheet. So let's say that we want to add these. So as you can see, I'm just going to copy and paste a few, and these are going to be dropdowns. So let's just add them. Okay, so we added those, and then we're going to add a patient. Because we also want to track the patient's age for all the images. Obviously you don't have to enable everything. As you can see here, I have up to two fields I can track, and I'm only tracking two. So I'm only using two out of the four fields. So now if I go to images, I click on add, notice that the modality is showing up, patient age is showing up. So I can actually pick these, and let's say we select the image, and then click on save. Oh, I had to pick a topic. So now as I tag them, all these fields are showing up, that allows me to basically use the filter to find the images as I accumulate a lot of images. And the last setting that we want to mention here, is that by default all the images are uploaded, but then let OASIS decide what is the best sizing for the image, but you can override by saying that always use the original image size, even if it is way too big to display on the website. So this describes how an image library can be configured, where you can load images and you can reuse images when you set up a writer question, you can pick the images from the image library when you create a question.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses the tracking of metadata for images in an image library configuration. They explain that in addition to tracking the topic of an image, one can also track metadata such as notes, sources, contributors, and permission required. The speaker demonstrates how dropdown fields can be added to the image library and highlights the option to track additional information, such as the modality and patient age. They mention that these fields can be used to filter and find images easily. The video also mentions the option to override the default image sizing settings in the library. No credits were given in the video.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
metadata tracking
image library configuration
dropdown fields
filtering images
override image sizing
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