Import Previous User Progress
2 - Import user completion
2 - Import user completion
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So first we'll go through an example where a course does not offer credit So your system might have courses that offer credit and for courses that do not so we want to go through each Scenario separately, so this course doesn't offer any credit and then we're going to go to import record the easiest way is to just pick user that's already in the system and Then mark is complete. One thing to note is that this is the easiest way but The user is going to be marked as completing the course today today meaning when you click on this button so if I mark as complete and I'm going to close it and if I go to Progress and look at this notice the completion date is exactly Today's date. So if the user actually completed the course years and years ago This will have the wrong completion date that may or may not be a problem But I just want to highlight that will be one scenario now if The user who needs to complete the course is not in the system yet You can click on complete by email address and you just paste a list of emails So I'm just gonna paste these emails. These are obviously fake emails So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on validate and the system is gonna say whoa, it don't exist yet But I will create a placeholder account. So next time when John Smith a email login that Actual user will take over the placeholder account. So now why mark is complete? If the user will be created randomly You can see here and then if I click on it, once again is the completion date is today It's a actually today's date. Alright, so now the last scenario is when you say well, I Actually want to honor Exactly when the user completed the course, I don't want to use today's date So you have to do a little bit extra work you need to use the import tool and let's download the template, okay So I'm gonna download the template. I'm just the import template for user completions Okay So now I'm gonna open the Excel file. So just give it a second. Here we go So notice the Excel file is fairly straightforward, right? So I'm just gonna Make it bigger so people can see you just need to put in the users email and the user completion date and The for demonstration purpose while we'll do is actually have a few names ready So I'm just going to copy this email address here And the completion date here Okay, so notice that the completion date needs to be in the format of month date year Right. So and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna save this All right, and then what I would do is keep in mind This is only if you want the system to randomly complete the user's Course with a completion date that is indicated by column B. All right So that's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna import this one click on validate and Let me move this around Okay So I'm going to click on validate So it's gonna validate to say everything looks good, and I'm gonna click on upload So if there's a lot of record The process might take a while I will recommend that if you have a large Excel file Try to break your Excel file into smaller chunks just so that it doesn't create a system overload With 26 record I click on check progress and then you can see that it has completed It is important to note that if your course is fairly large like multiple like a long exams Multiple modules even multi-part course You really should break your Excel file down just so that we don't have the case of overloading the system With say 5,000 completions on a course that is a mile long. It will definitely cause problems All right. So now I'm just gonna close this I Go to the progress You will see there's far more users who have completed and a lot of these users are imported using Next Alpha Thank you
Video Summary
The video explains different scenarios for marking course completion. The first scenario is when a course does not offer credit, and the user can be marked as complete by selecting a user already in the system. However, this method may result in the completion date showing as the current date, which may be inaccurate. The second scenario is when the user is not in the system, and completion can be marked by pasting a list of emails. The system will create a placeholder account until the user logs in with their email. The third scenario involves using the import tool with an Excel template to specify the completion date, allowing for more accurate tracking. It is recommended to break down large completion records to avoid system overload.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
marking course completion
creditless course completion
user selection for completion
inaccurate completion date
user not in the system
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