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3 - Import credit claim history
3 - Import credit claim history
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Video Transcription
Now that we have shown how to import user completion record from your other platforms, let's talk about a slightly more complicated but very similar use case where the course offers credit. So let's go into this course and let's use the same import tool and let's once again use the first option which is the easiest one and let's give Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. Notice that this time when you click on mark as complete, the user will be flagged as completing the course today and they're also going to be marked as claimed the credit for every single credit that's available in this course. So if the course offers 50 CEUs, then the user will claim 50 CEUs. So this is obviously the easiest way where the user is already in the system and you want to give user all the credit that's offered by the course. If you have some user that does not exist in the system, what you can do is you can let's pretend that these are the users and then you can say hey give them all the credit. Here you can actually if there's more than one credit that's offered, you can actually use the chat box to give grant user different credit type but full amount for the user that matches the email copied here and then you can actually change the date of when they're claimed. So that is the second way you can see that there's a more clicking involved but you have a little bit more flexibility. Not surprisingly, the last option is where you can use an importing tool. So let's just download this tool and before we actually download this, let's just put a little bit more wrinkle by offering more credit for this course. So in addition to 50 CEUs, let's pretend it also offers 50 participation just so that we have a little bit of a variety. So now I'm going to import the record and I'm going to use the import tool. So here we go. I'm going to say import credit. So this time you will notice that your Excel file requires more information. Just like before, you need to put in the email but this time you need to put the credit amount, credit type and when they claim the credit. So we're going to use the same email, same dummy accounts that we created for the previous recording and I'm going to say these are the users. Okay and notice for the credit amount, I could put a number that is different from the 50 maximum that's offered. So I can say this is 25, this is 30, this is 15. As you can see, you can have a lot of flexibility because the system essentially allows you to customize how much each user gets. I'm just going to copy and paste to just have a few variety for my recording. But as you can see, you can basically be anything. And then you can see that the first person Nina received the CEUs. And you can see that Cindy, Casey, the same as Shannon has received the participation. So you can basically, based on whatever is in your old system, you can basically decide what to offer here. And you can also grab the correct date for the claim to put it here. So that when we import the data, it matches exactly how many credit the user received, the type of credit they received and when they received those credit in your old system. So let's just save this and let's go through the example of how it will work now. I'm just going to select here, click on import. Oh, so look like part, oh okay, I spelled participation incorrectly. So that was my bad. So this is why copy and paste sometimes is your friend. So let me just try to fix my typo. Okay. So I'm going to grab this one. Okay. Okay, I just fixed it. So let's try to import this again. As you can see, the system actually, even though I didn't mean to demo this, the system does make sure that you don't put bad data in here, right? So now I'm going to click on upload. And then, like I said before, just like for the completion for the credit claim, you can check. There you go, it is done. I'm going to close. I'm going to come here. Let me just click on random one. You will see that it's claimed for the exact date that I put in my Excel file. So, and obviously it's flagged as randomly complete. So hopefully, if you have any legacy credit claim history that you want to import, this is a good way for you to import that data directly in OASIS. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses how to import user completion records in a learning management system (LMS) for courses that offer credit. The first option is to easily import records for existing users and grant them credit for the course. The second option involves manually entering the credit information for users who are not in the system. The third option is to use an importing tool, which requires an Excel file with the user's email, credit amount, credit type, and claim date. The video demonstrates the process and shows how the system verifies and imports the data correctly.
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importing user completion records
learning management system
credit granting
manual credit entry
importing tool
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