Introduction to Course Bundling
Concept of a Course Bundling
Concept of a Course Bundling
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video tutorial, we will go over the concept of bundling of courses. In this particular example, we're just going to log in as administrator and show you how it is set up right now. So we have a long list of courses, module 1, 2, 3, 4, all the way to 82, and in two different languages. So suppose we want to sell them to our users, so we can definitely sell them, and for this purpose, we actually list them for $1. So as a learner, when they come in, they can see module 1 is $1, in English, in Netherland, $1. So suppose that each module is sold for $1. Then, because we are creating each module as its own course, we can then bundle them and sell them in bundles. So for example, we can create, click on Add, click on Bundle. Let's say we can do a free trial bundle, free trial bundle. Then what we're going to do is we make it $0, and we are, let's just not even check anything. And what we're going to do is let's say we're just going to add the first five modules in English as a free trial. So that's what we're going to do. So let's do English. Let's do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Here we go. And then, just for grant, I'm just going to feature it so that it's more noticeable on the catalog, and I'm going to publish it. So here we go. All right, so now it is published. I'm just going to switch to a different browser and hit Refresh. Reload. Okay, you see now, there's a free trial bundle. And then when I go into it, I can buy it for free. And it has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So you can see that those are five courses that's a bundle that can start, and that can take them right away. Now, what's nice, what's the main difference between bundle and the multi-part is that each course that is inside a bundle can be bundled into other courses. So for example, let's switch over as administrator, and let's add another bundle. So let's say we create another bundle called First Year Basic Training. So let's say that is another bundle that I'm going to sell for $50, and we are going to make English version First 10 inside of it. So let's do English. Spell correctly, and let's just do the First 10. Here we go. So now notice what happens is we're going to have five modules, one through five, as a free trial. And the First Year Basic Training is going to be same five, module 1 to 5, and then another five, module 6 to 10. So we're going to publish that as well. So now what happens is you have two bundles, and this bundle has 10 courses. And then when I go into the module 1, the system will tell you that it was inside the free trial bundle and the First Year bundle, along with some other bundle that it's already in. So when I switch over as a learner view on the catalog, I will see two, the free trial bundle and the First Year bundle. And what's nice about this is if I started with a free trial bundle and finished the first five modules, and then I decide to upgrade to the First Year Basic Training, the five modules I have already finished would carry over. So this is a very flexible way for you to take courses that has to create it on its own, and then mix and match how you want to sell them. And you only have to track one course, and that one course can be reused in different bundle. And then you can sell a bundle for free as a free trial, or you can sell a bundle as a subscription, where you can continue to add new bundles in the course. In addition, another subtle thing that you can do is, you might say this bundle idea is great, but you actually don't want to sell the module on its own. So a trick you can actually do is, right now for example, if I go to alphabetical, you can see that the module 1, 2, all the way to 80 is for sale on its own. As a sneaky trick, you can actually make module 1 private enrollment. Then what happens is this course is not for sale. It's not for sale so that people cannot buy the actual underlying course directly. They have to buy it through a bundle. So I only made module 1 private. So if I switch over to the to the public catalog, you will see that the module 1 English is no longer there. So let's sort it by alphabet. You'll see that module 1 English is no longer there, but Netherland is still there. The idea here is, if the flexibility of bundling courses appeals to you, but you don't want the underneath course, the course that's being bundled, to be purchasable, you can make it private so that the only way the user, a learner, can get to your course is through bundles. That is public.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains the concept of bundling courses. The instructor demonstrates how to set up bundles in an online course platform. They show examples of bundling modules and selling them as a package. The instructor creates a free trial bundle with the first five modules in English and showcases how learners can access it for free. They also explain that each bundled course can be further bundled into other courses. Additionally, the instructor discusses making individual modules private to ensure they can only be accessed through bundles, providing more flexibility in course offerings. No credits are mentioned in the video.
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Creation Year
bundling courses
online course platform
bundle setup
free trial bundle
private modules
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