Introduction to Enigma
4 - Where does Reference go?
4 - Where does Reference go?
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Video Transcription
So now let's talk about how reference or citation works in Enigma. So I have asked a question, can I eat a cheeseburger? That might seem to be a completely out-of-the-scope question for a Bible chat, but surprisingly Bible actually have quite a few things to say about whether you can eat a cheeseburger, and you can see here. So there's different things about having a hoof, or whether it is clean or unclean, so on and so forth. What this video will focus on is the reference or citation that has been provided. So I'm going to click on the first one. So as an example, what you see here is there's going to be a little bit of a citation, and these are going to be verbatim what is from the Bible. So in your case, it might be a passage from a guideline, or a closed caption from a webinar or annual meeting, or you know whatever resources you have made available as part of the Enigma chat, the actual quote is going to be here. In addition, there's going to be a link. When the user clicks on the link, the user will be taken to a website. There might be a website, if you have a direct integration with OASIS, we might be able to pop up the actual content directly within Enigma, but the idea is it will take you to the exact section or chapter, or however the content is hosted, where the user will be able to say, oh okay, I can look at it and I sort of can read a few passages before, a few passages after. But the idea here is for each reference that we display to the user, there's always going to be a quote or citation, if we can put something together, and a link. Now there might be cases where the actual resource cannot be linked to. For example, if you upload a lot of PDF and the actual reference is page 17, OASIS is not going to be able to link directly to page 17. When those happen, when they click on the link, there's going to be a pop-up that explains you need to go to the PDF, navigate to page 17, and look in the lower section of the PDF to find the exact area where additional references can be found. So keep in mind, in this video tutorial, we're only highlighting a more common, and I also argue more easier way to get user to the resource, which is if the resource is a linkable. But I want to stress, there will be cases where the resources cannot be directly linked, simply because they are, let's say you have a PDF file that has 300 pages, and the PDF file by itself cannot be hot-linked. So in that case, when they click on a hyperlink, Enigma is going to give you instructions on how to get to which section within that PDF, or however they're supposed to find the reference. But this recording is showing the easiest and most seamless example. Thank you!
Video Summary
This video tutorial explains how reference or citation works in Enigma, a chat platform. The transcript discusses how references are provided in the form of a quote or citation, along with a link that takes the user to the relevant content. If the content cannot be directly linked, instructions are given on how to navigate to the specific section or page. This tutorial focuses on the easier and more common method of linking resources, but acknowledges that some resources may not be linkable. Overall, Enigma aims to provide a seamless experience for users seeking references or citations.
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