Introduction to Live-Course
User Recording as Substitute for Attending Webinar
User Recording as Substitute for Attending Webinar
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Video Transcription
Hi, suppose you have a webinar and the webinar track attendance, so that means the user have to actually attend the webinar to be considered completed for this particular course. And obviously, then they will be able to claim credit and or download the certificate. And because you're tracking attendance, the system does allow you to say how long the user have to attend in order to be considered as attended. So this is a fairly simple setup, and I'm using Zoom webinar as an example, even though other platform will work as well, and that you can sync the attendance more than two hours after the more than one hour after the webinar ends. Or you can click on user who have registered and manually mark them as attended. OK, so so far I have not covered any concept that is new. Suppose you have 100 people register for the webinar, but only 90 people actually attended. The other 10 people, for whatever reason, life happens, did not attend the webinar. So let's say they paid for the webinar, but they did not attend. And that's what happened here for our friend Adam Chicago. So he registered for the course, but he did not actually attend. So when the user log in, it's going to show that, hey, your attendance at the course must be recorded because he didn't attend. So you have two options at this point. You can manually mark the users attended, which is sort of wrong because the user didn't attend, or you can upload a video, ask the user to watch the video in its entirety, and then let the completion of the video as a substitute for attending the webinar. And this recording will show how that is done. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to enable content for this webinar. And then I'm going to go to content and I'm going to add a content. I'm just going to add a random video that happened to be on my computer, even though you will upload the actual video recording from the webinar so that it will actually be the the webinar itself. So I'm just going to say webinar recording. And I'm just going to upload a much smaller video from my computer for illustration purpose. What I need to do most importantly is I need to check this box that says attended when viewed. So this allowed the Oasis platform to say, OK, for anyone who did not attend the webinar, if you watch the video, it is a substitute. And I pretend I don't want people to download it. And I'm going to click on save. All righty. So now what I have done is you can even see here use as session attendance. So that is a reminder for you as administrator that this particular course, the user is considered attended the course under two conditions. First, if they actually attended the webinar for 45 minutes or if they watch this video in its entirety, just as a slight reminder is you can always manually override by click on Mark as attended. But with that said, I'm going to come over here in my different browser and I'm just going to refresh this browser. So you can see here there is a video recording now that they can watch. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to watch it after I pause the video. And I'm going to resume the video while I have finished watching. Now that Adam Chicago has finished watching, you will see that he can request credit now that is associated with the course, even though he did not attend the webinar live. And the idea here is I'm just going to go to my courses to show that there is one credit that's available for him and he can now claim the credit. And conversely, I'm going to go to the course itself. Just give me one second. As administrator, if I click on the session, click on registered, you will see the attendance is marked and it is marked because the user finished the video, which is a substitute for attendance. And to push this idea even further, if you look for the user's account, click on user log, you will actually see that course completion process is successfully done. And you will see that registered session, blah, blah, blah, hold on, okay, you can see that as soon as the user finished watching, I know that the log is sort of in reverse. That's because they're timed at the same time. You'll see registered session, blah, blah, blah, mark as attended from watching this video, right? So basically the log is saying the user's session is registered as attended because they watched the session. Hopefully this recording shows how you can upload a recording from your webinar after the webinar is concluded and make it as a part of a substitute for attending the webinar for those users who are not able to attend the webinar live. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses how to handle situations where users register for a webinar but do not attend. It explains how to upload a recording of the webinar as a substitute for attendance. The video shows how to enable this feature on the platform and how users can watch the recording and receive credit for attending the course. The process is demonstrated through the example of a user named Adam Chicago. The video emphasizes that this method can be used for any platform, with the administrator having the option to manually mark users as attended if needed.
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webinar registration
recording substitute
platform feature
watch recording
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