Introduction to Multi-Part Course
The mechanics of a Multi-Part course
The mechanics of a Multi-Part course
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video tutorial, we will go over some of the business reasons behind a multi-part course and then go over the mechanics of how to set up a multi-part. So in the example in front of you, you'll see that there is several content, several courses that's listed. As a matter of fact, there is 166 courses. But if you look at closely, each course actually is just module 1 all the way to module 83. And they're in two different languages, English and Dutch. So if I look for English, you'll see that we have modules 0, 0102, all the way to 82. So as you can see here, we have 82 modules in English and probably 82 modules in Dutch. That is how the curriculum is created. And each one is its own learning unit where it has some content and a test that follows the content. Now, in order, if we just sell this as is, when the user look at your catalog, they're going to see data like this. So it's not the best way to even make the purchase because they had to buy module 1, then module 2, then module 3. And ideally, you want to sell one product that contains all 82 modules for English and then sell another product that contains all 82 in Dutch. So we're going to show how you can do that. So we're going to click on course. We're going to click on add course. And then we're going to click on multi-part. So we're going to make this English version of my product. And then let's say this one, all the credit is associated at the child level. So we don't have to give any credit at the parent level. And let's say this one is $500. The idea here is you want the user to buy one product and get access to every child product under it. So now what we're going to do is we're going to click on detail. And we want to go to child. We can click add child. So we can add a new course directly, which will involve a lot of clicking. Since we want to demonstrate the idea instead of the whole process of creating a multi-part, we're just going to select existing courses. And we're just going to say all the English version of the modules that I have created, I want to make it part of this multi-part. So I can only add 50 at a time. So that's what I'm going to do. So the screen is going to load a little bit, and then I'm going to add another 30 or so. The system is going to, when you do a search, the system will only display courses that is not in the multi-part already. So that's what we're going to do. So now as you can see here, I have added all the English modules in the course called English version of my product. And here is all the module that's listed, all the way down to 82. There we go. And notice that here is the display sequence. Looks like we might be missing a course here, because module 82 is positioned at 81. But even though there's a slight mismatch, it's just because the naming, and we're trying to illustrate the mechanics. Another thing is, by default, all the activity is required, which means in order to finish this course, called English version of my product, you have to finish each module. You can flag things as optional, so that they are not required for the user to finish the entire multi-part. With that said, I'm just going to publish it. And after it's published, I'm actually going to create another multi-part with all the Dutch modules. It took a while to publish, just because there's a lot of modules. So now that that's done, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to create a new Dutch version. On demand, obviously you probably want to make the name a little bit more clever than what I'm naming, but let's see, if they're all 500. So now I'm just going to add all the Dutch versions, dash and L. All right, let me just make sure I added everything. All right, so I should have added everything in here. So that is all the modules, 82 of them. Perfect. And now I'm going to publish it. All right, so now we have published two multi-part courses that contains all the actual modules in the system. So let's just take a quick look. And it looks like there is one module that wasn't added to the English version, so let's do that. So as you can see here, you can always add an existing module. So one thing to note is that because each child, and we refer to this as a parent, and this as child, because each child is part of the parent, when the user buy the parent, they automatically have the child. So you cannot sell child separately. You have to sell the parent, and anyone who buy the parent will have access to the child. So let's see what the user sees now. So here you can see there is this one that has 82 modules. This one has 82 modules, and the rest of them are just some other courses. So now if I take the English version, so let's just go through the purchasing process. So we're just going to use a fake credit card because it's on the test system, so credit card is not actually checked. So now when the user starts, we'll see that they have access to all the modules, and because of the prerequisite we have loaded into the system ahead of time, they actually can only do one at a time. If you don't have prerequisite set up, then they will be able to do any one in whichever order they want. But this is how you can have one product that has smaller modules inside of it, whereas each smaller module is actually a course of itself, but you can sort of create a container of a list of modules. So now imagine you say 82 is a lot to go through. I want to break them into three chunks to say about the behavior for the first chunk, about the compliance for the second chunk, and for let's say professional conduct for the third chunk. So if you want to break things into chunks, you also can. So we're going to show you how to break things into chunks. And the way that we're going to do it is actually we're going to take advantage of the nesting structure that OASIS allows inside a multi-part. So what we're going to do is we're going to go back to the admin view, and what we're going to do is we're just going to delete the English version. When you delete a parent, the child doesn't get deleted, they just become orphaned. As soon as they become orphaned, they're actually just going to become a standalone courses. So I just deleted the multi-part, and you can see all the English version broke free, so to speak. So what we're going to do now is we're going to add a multi-part. This time, give it a good name called ABA Certification Program. And we're going to say it's 500. Next, what we're going to do is for the child, I'm going to add a course. I'm going to new course, and then we're going to add a multi-part. So notice that the child itself, the first child, is also a multi-part. So we can say section one, basic ABA concept. So we create the first child, which is a multi-part to itself. Let's go to the parent. Let's create another child. And let's say advanced. Alright, so we're almost done there. I'm going to go to the parent, and create the last section. This is very advanced, there we go. Alright, so we have now created three child, and each child is a multi-part. And notice that the system actually help you navigating by saying, here's all the siblings. You're looking at this one, and there's two more ahead of you. So let's just go to section one. Now let's add the child, and then we're going to just select some existing ones. So let's select the first ten modules, for section one, and for section two, let's select, let's just say, the next twenty. Since we're illustrating an idea here, we're not really paying attention to whether this is valid or not. And for the last section, let's just put all the remaining English, that we haven't put in section one and two, so here we go. And I think there's a couple more, one, two, there we go. So as you can see here, we have created one multi-part course, which is called ABA Certification Program, that contains three child, and each child has grandchildren. So as you can see here, OASIS allows you to nest to infinite level, if your content require that structure, but you also can get very confusing when you design this. This is why there's a course outline, when you click on it, you actually will display an outline view of where everything are. So as you can see here, it's just basically allow you to unfold, so they can see where everything are, alright? So now let's see if we create this content with three levels of structure, let's see what the user sees. Okay so now that it's published, let's just see what the learner sees. So learner sees this one, and notice it says three credit, so let's just make the purchase. Once again, Mickey Mouse is going to buy this one. Now when the user starts, it's very important to see that they will see the first three sections, and when they click on access, they will see everything inside those sections. So you see how the system automatically, and you also create a background for them to navigate. So if your system needs to break content into nested levels of structure, you can use the nesting capabilities of multi-part to create that structure for your content. And also when you structure your multi-part this way, there's other type of advanced mechanics that will open up for you, and we can go over those in other videos.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker discusses the business reasons for creating a multi-part course and explains the mechanics of setting up a multi-part. Using an example of a course with 166 modules in English and Dutch, the speaker demonstrates how to create a multi-part course to sell all modules as one product. They explain that by selling one product with all modules included, it is more convenient for users to make a purchase rather than buying each module separately. The speaker shows how to set up a multi-part course by adding existing courses or creating new ones. They also mention that each module can be marked as required or optional for completion. After creating the multi-part courses for both English and Dutch modules, the speaker demonstrates the user's perspective, showing that they now have access to all the modules within the purchased multi-part course. The video concludes by discussing the option to further structure the multi-part course into sections and how that affects the user's experience. Although the video does not explicitly mention any credits or credits granted, it provides valuable information on setting up multi-part courses.
Asset Caption
Basic Concept of Multi-Part Course
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multi-part course
selling one product
adding existing courses
user's perspective
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