Introduction to On-Demand Course
Creating an On-Demand Course (Part 1)
Creating an On-Demand Course (Part 1)
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Video Transcription
Here's a quick walkthrough on how to set up a course that has several steps for the learner to go through. The user has to accept acknowledgment, read some course information, then take a pre-test before engaging the content, then do a post-test, and then evaluation. So this walkthrough will cover quite a few steps in setting up a course. First thing you need to do when you log in as administrator is you can go to the course tab and click on add course. So in this walkthrough, we're just going to do an on-demand course, which is the most frequent type of course. I'm going to take the content that is needed for this course from Excel file. Typically, the content has already been created before you set up a course, and the course just has to be copied and pasted in. So the title of the course is here. Depending on your configuration, you might have product code that you have to enter. You might have to have store code if you have to enter. Depending on the configuration, there may be a few other roles here that you have to enter. We're going to keep everything the same. For this particular course, I will also set expiration date just so that it has a release date and the expiration date. Release date basically says course is visible but cannot be started until the release date to the user, and the expiry date basically means after the expiration date, the learner will no longer receive credit if they take the course. So we're going to put March 31st, 2017 as release date, March 31st, and for expiration date, we're going to do that, and we're going to click on Next. Let's assume this will offer 10 credit. Credit confirmation basically is a message that is displayed to the user when the user actually finishes the course. So we can say whatever we want or we can just use something that has already been set before. We're going to click on Next. In this particular walkthrough, we're assuming that there is a single price for everyone. If your configuration requires membership pricing, it will show up slightly different on this page. So let's say it's $10. Here is where we have to select what goes into a course. As I mentioned earlier, this course will require user to accept an acknowledgment, have some information that they can read about the course, they have to take a pre-test, they will do some learning, and they do a post-test. And at the end of the post-test, when they pass, they can do a course evaluation and they can receive a certificate. We're going to check these boxes and we're not going to check anything else for the time being. Now that we have created a shell for the course, we can start adding things. In this particular example, I have already created the configuration on what are the required attributes for the acknowledgment page. It has faculty disclosure, staff disclosure, and disclaimer. I will quickly populate them. Click on edit. Here is faculty disclosure, here is staff disclosure, and here's some other disclaimer. Keep in mind that anything that's on the legal lead page are meant for user to click on once when they say I accept and they will no longer see it again. Now we're going to go to the additional information tab. So here is where we're going to describe various things about the particular course. We're going to just copy and paste from the Excel file. First one is going to be course description. We're going to display this post at the catalog when the users see it and in the overview after the user has already started the course. So we're going to copy some text over. You can also use rich text if you want to include hyperlinks and such. So that's course description. Now I'm going to do learning objectives. As you can see here, everything is just copy and paste from an existing set of text either in Word document or Excel file. I notice that here you probably want to be bullet item, so let me just cut it, change the rich text box, and then do it this way so that it will actually look correct. There we go. That's learning objective. And let's do one more, intended audience, just so that we can see. There's also additional type of things you can display as part of the overview process. You can add a video, for example, a preview of the content or image if you have any marketing material. So this is how you can build out all the information you want to display to the user. Now that we have finished populating all the information that we want to display to the user, we can move on to the content. For this walkthrough, we're going to make the content simple and make content just a link. So we're going to click on add content, and then we're just going to say it's going to be a link, and the link is going to be this particular link. And then we're going to make link say, for example, content link. And that's done. Now we can move on to the exam, and then we're going to say this exam will only have multiple choice question, four answers. The less you select, the easier it is to populate questions. And then we're going to say that we're going to do pre and post test, and the post test will be exam mode. Let's say we do 80% passing grade, and let's say we have four questions. We want to randomize, and then we offer unlimited exam reset. Now we can click on create new to create the shell of the question. Then we can go to the question tab to start add questions.
Video Summary
The video provides a walkthrough on how to set up a course with multiple steps for the learner. The steps include accepting acknowledgment, reading course information, taking a pre-test, engaging with the content, taking a post-test, and completing an evaluation. The video guides the viewer through the process of setting up the course by adding course details such as the title, release and expiration dates, credit confirmation message, and price. It also explains how to include required acknowledgments, additional information about the course, and how to add content and create exam questions. There are also options to include videos or images. No credits were granted in the video.
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