Introduction to On-Demand Course
Creating an On-Demand Course (Part 3)
Creating an On-Demand Course (Part 3)
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Video Transcription
Now that we have created questions for our exam that will be used in both pre and post section, we're going to move to the evaluation questions. The evaluation questions can be reused from course to course, but in this particular example we're not going to use select use existing evaluation because we want to do a walkthrough of how to create brand new evaluation. Before we even start, here are some of the evaluation questions that we have and notice that the first one is slightly complicated because they're evaluating three faculties along four different dimensions using excellent to poor criteria. So we don't necessarily have this type of question in OASIS, but we just have to think slightly outside the box and what we can create is something like this where each faculty is evaluated along the three same criteria and they can be evaluated along excellent to poor. This question type is called matrix question type and we're going to create a little instruction at the top before doing the questions and notice that three questions are created, one for each faculty. So we're going to go through how to set up a matrix question. Here is a simple multiple choice question, yes or no question with yes triggering further text box. So we're going to quickly go through these to show how these are done. So we're going to click on add new question and the first one we're going to create is actually not a question but more for instruction. So we're going to say the first one is really evaluating faculties and it's instruction only. So no user responses. The next question we're going to create is a matrix question. So here is how to create a matrix question. So let's see. We're going to put the name of the faculty as a title. We're going to select matrix as the question type and we're going to add quite a few things on the left hand side and the right hand side. We'll add them and do a preview to show you what this will look like. Here we want to put a value so that when we do reporting it's easy to run report when there's a number associated with it. You don't have to if you don't need value associated with it but if you don't keep in mind that report may not have as much insight if you don't assign a value to the selection. So now we have populated some value we're going to click on save. So we're just going to quickly preview what we have done to show you what this will look like. So click on preview evaluation. So you see that this is the instruction and this is the question title which happens to be the name of the faculty and this is the matrix question that has left hand side has what we called the y axis and this is x axis. So we're going to do this a few more times for the faculty all the faculties. Now that we have added all three faculties we can just do a quick preview to see how they have laid out looks like we're making good progress. So now we're going to add one more question and this time the question is going to be a simple true or false yes or no except when they select yes we want them to provide more information. So what we're going to do is we're going to add a new question. So this technically is question four. So that's the name that's the question we're asking and there's a multiple choice and we're going to say it is custom. And then we're going to say the first one is a no and the second one is a yes and when you select yes I want you to select a response. So click on add. So now that looks good we're going to click on add. So now that let's just quickly preview it to see that if you select no that's OK if it's like yes there's a little text box. So that is how you add a multiple choice question and with the one the option require additional input. So that basically covers all the possible questions that you typically see in an evaluation. Let's do one more with multiple select and then we'll conclude this particular walkthrough. So we're going to click on add new question. Let's just say this one is I'm not sure which question it is because we're skipping ahead. Let's just make it question 22. We're going to make a checkbox because checkbox allow you to have multiple answers the user can select and then we're going to say the first one is here. This require additional information. So we say if you do this require an answer. Next one also require an answer. Next one once again require text response. Last one does not require. So that's how you do a multiple select or checkbox. Notice that when you add a question if you use some of the standard question in multiple choice we already have pre-built ones for you so you can quickly add them. This concludes the final step on setting up courses on demand courses where there is a evaluation at the end of the course.
Video Summary
The video explains how to create evaluation questions for exams and courses. The instructor demonstrates different question types, starting with a matrix question that evaluates faculties based on different criteria. They then show how to create a multiple-choice question with a text box for additional information. Lastly, they explain how to create a multiple-select question using checkboxes. The video concludes by stating that this is the final step in setting up courses with evaluations. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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evaluation questions
question types
setting up courses
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