Introduction to On-Demand Course
Creating an On-Demand Course (Part 4)
Creating an On-Demand Course (Part 4)
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Video Transcription
We have added the content, populate the questions for the exam, and then set up the evaluation. We can go back to the course tab and see that the course has all the steps that we want populated. If all your courses have similar structure, the course page will actually give you a really nice snapshot of everything about your course and which step is taken and which step has not been set up. This course is currently in the edit status, so we're just going to publish it. Now that we have published it, we can actually go to the learner view and go through how a learner experience looks like for this course. We're going to click on $10 to make the purchase. Because the system is set up as a test system, I actually can use whatever credit card I want and it should allow me to make the purchase. I'm just going to put in some address and click on confirm. Now that I have made the purchase, I can start the course. The first thing the learner sees is the acknowledgement page. This is the page that we have set up earlier and the user must click on acknowledge and click on start. This acknowledgement page is only displayed once to the user. Next is the page where the overview information about the course is displayed along with the actual course itself. We're just going to start the course, start the pretest, and randomly answer the questions. When we finish that, what we're going to do is we're going to go to the course material, which is a link that will take the user to an external site. We're not going to click on it because it's not really part of OASIS when you send the user to another system. So we just mark as complete and then we can go to the post test. Now that I'm on the post test, I'm actually not going to be able to pass the test. As administrator, I can actually quickly switch to the administrator and I can cheat. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to search for myself, I'm going to go to the course, and for this particular course, I can click on the name of the course and click on the post test. So here I can see the correct answer is D, B, B, A. So D, B, B, A. So there we go. So now we can switch over. Let's go to my courses. We'll continue the course with the answer D, B, B, A. There we go. So I know that that's the correct answer and when I submit, I'm officially done. I can review. I can see various commentary that has been loaded into the system and I can then do the evaluation at the very end. And this is the evaluation that we have set up that take quite some time because the evaluation is pretty long in this case. And let's just quickly answer them so that we can finish the whole thing. We're going to give excellent mark for all the faculties. Let's just say good, good, good. Strongly agree. Agree, agree. Strongly agree. Extreme. Very. No, no, no, no. Let's check that one. Actually, let's check so we don't have to type in anything. There we go. So let's submit. So now I'm officially done. We didn't really fill out the credit request confirmation, but if we actually say something meaningful like your transcript portal has been updated or your transcript has been emailed to you, whatever we decide to say during the setup will be displayed here and the user can download the certificate. And user can, at any given time, they can review the test they have taken. So that is how the user experience looks like when we set up the course that contains pre-test, learning material, post-test, and the evaluation.
Video Summary
The video transcript explains the process of setting up and experiencing a course on an online learning platform called OASIS. The video starts by showing how to populate the course content, create exam questions, and set up evaluations. It mentions that the course page provides a snapshot view of the course structure. The video then demonstrates the learner's experience, including purchasing the course, acknowledging the course rules, taking the pretest and post-test, accessing external course material, and cheating on the test as an administrator. It also shows how to review course materials, complete an evaluation, and access and download a certificate.
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online learning platform
course setup
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