Leveraging AI for Course Management
3 - Suggest Post-Exam Questions
3 - Suggest Post-Exam Questions
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Video Transcription
Suppose this exam I'm going to take it back to the edit status because I want to enable a post exam feature and suppose I actually don't have any post exam questions from the author. What I can do is I can let's say I say hey I'm going to want multiple choice let's say I want multiple choice for or true and false and I need five questions right at this point I'm supposed to manually add the questions by asking the subject matter expert what the question should be suppose that is taking a while for the subject matter expert to get back to me why I can't do is I could say you know what I'm just gonna generate three questions from the first video and I want it to be a multiple choice for so basically what I'm doing here is I'm asking AI to just get me started on what questions to ask keep in mind that the question that we have generated definitely will require some subject matter expert to manually review and make sure that they are legit questions with correct answers and the way that we recommend you do that is just copy it notice that when we copy it this is what you can paste in the notepad with asterisk next to the correct answer then you should take these questions send it to your subject matter expert and then hopefully they will easily just modify the questions you have and send it back to you so hopefully they will speed up the process you can also say hey I'm going to email the author for the PDF I'm going to need two questions and this time I just need true and false questions you can once again generate the questions keep in mind that when you generate questions for your post-test you are selecting which asset you want your question to be based on and that is because most likely you will need you need to email the question individually to the different authors notice here occasionally open AI will actually give you slightly wrong information I asked for true and false but you only give me A and B so keep in mind that AI is not perfect and sometimes it does give you the wrong information which is why you definitely want to manually have someone review before you add the question directly into your product thank you
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses the process of generating post-exam questions using AI. They explain that if there are no pre-existing post-exam questions, they can manually add them by consulting a subject matter expert. However, if the expert takes time to respond, they can use AI to generate questions based on the video content. The speaker advises reviewing and modifying these generated questions with the help of the expert to ensure accuracy. They also recommend emailing authors individually for asset-specific questions. They acknowledge that AI can sometimes provide incorrect information, so manual review is essential before adding questions to the product. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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post-exam questions
subject matter expert
question generation
manual review
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