Leveraging AI for Course Management
5 - Auto-Generating Video Chapters
5 - Auto-Generating Video Chapters
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Video Transcription
So, the video that we have uploaded, I can also automatically create video chapters. So over here, so keep in mind, this icon right here allows you to set video chapters, and before you can manually add chapters. Now I'm just going to click on auto-generate chapters, and what the OpenAI will do is it will review the closed caption that was generated for your video and automatically create an outline of what are the best places to signal a conclusion of a previous concept and the start of a new concept. In this case, you can see we have generated 25 chapters. Now what we're going to do is I'm going to show what the user sees once this video chapter has been generated. So I'm going to go back to this screen, which is a learner. We're going to get started. On the video portion, you will see that the chapters are listed here. Note that I made the video required, which is why I cannot jump to the chapters. So I just made the video optional. Now when I click on it, I can basically say, hey, go to the part where you start talking about explanation of 20EQ and the 25EQ, and you can see that's where it will just go directly, and all these markers are the places where things are being flagged as a video chapter. This is in addition to other tools you have. For example, I can enable video teleprompter and the video summary, and then when I do that, you will see that the chapter is listed, transcript is also listed, and summary is listed as well, and user can minimize everything, and then when they play, they can actually maximize. So hopefully this highlights how you can use AI to generate chapter points to allow the user to quickly jump to the necessary points. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates a feature that allows automatic creation of video chapters. By reviewing the closed captioning of the video, OpenAI identifies key points to signal the end of one concept and the beginning of another, generating 25 chapters in this case. The user interface displays the chapters in a list, and viewers can easily navigate to specific sections of the video by selecting the desired chapter. Additionally, the video also showcases other tools like video teleprompter, transcript, and summary that can be enabled or minimized as needed. The video emphasizes the use of AI to generate chapter points for quick navigation. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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automatic video chapters
closed captioning
key points
user interface
video navigation
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