Managing Courses' Meta Data using Excel file
2 - Things to note about importing (course) meta t ...
2 - Things to note about importing (course) meta tags
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Video Transcription
Now that we talked about what are the metadata and how they are used, we're going to talk about how to update the metadata for your courses. The easiest way is obviously to go to the course and click on metadata and then manually make changes by typing a key value pair. This will work 100% of the time and you can make changes, delete, update, insert anytime you want. With that said, occasionally you want to make update, insert, delete in batches and you prefer to do this using Excel file and then able to upload the Excel file back to OASIS. And that's what this video tutorial is going to be focused on. As you can see under courses, under course metadata, you have ability to import and export. So we're just going to focus on the import and I'm going to download the existing metadata and use it as a file to import the data. So keep in mind, I am downloading the existing metadata as Excel file and then I'm using that Excel file as a template to upload to OASIS. Okay, so that's what I'm going to do depending on the size of your metadata, a number of your metadata fields and the number of product you have, this might take some time. So I'm going to call this existing. Okay, and I'm just going to pause the video when I open the Excel file. So here is what Excel file looks like and I trimmed it a little bit so that we can see one of the course that I'm going to use as example. So as you can see here, all the metadata are displayed from column C and forward using the format where each column represent one key for the metadata and the value is listed with a semicolon as a separator. So in this particular course, you will see there is a target audience that is quite a few, but they are separated by semicolon. Okay, and this is going to be the format that we would need to conform when we import the data back in. Before we actually show how to import the data, I want to highlight that this column right here, which I'm turning red, is really important because this code is actually what's going to be used to identify which course you want to make the update to. So just keep in mind this column B, if you are preparing Excel file manually instead of downloading directly from Oasis, you want to make sure you do not make a mistake in column B. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker explains how to update metadata for courses in OASIS. They demonstrate the process of manually making changes by typing key-value pairs in the metadata section of a course. However, if you want to make changes, insert, or delete data in batches, you can use an Excel file to upload the data back to OASIS. The video emphasizes the importance of the column B in the Excel file, as it is used to identify the course for updating. The transcript provides step-by-step instructions and highlights the format required for importing the data. No credits are mentioned in the transcript.
Meta Tag
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video tutorial
update metadata
Excel file
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