Managing Courses' Meta Data using Excel file
4 - Adding / Appending meta data to courses
4 - Adding / Appending meta data to courses
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now that we have shown how to replace what's already in the system with what's in the Excel file I'm also going to show how to add or append so in this case what we're going to do is we're going to upload the same file right but what I will do is I'm actually going to because it's only add to it so I'm just going to say hey for this one I'm going to delete the S and then for this one I'm going to change it back so there's 60 minutes and then for this one I'm going to add back what was used to be there and that would delete the rest so I'm going to delete the target audience and I'm going to go back to the old file which is what I downloaded from earlier okay so it's always good to have two files one is what you used to have and another one is what you want to add right so give me one second so so I'm going to say that I'm going to add diabetes educator as target audience so notice what I'm doing now is I'm actually only putting things that wasn't in there before right so I noticed that I will leave this one here to show that when you decided to append if it already exists it doesn't actually overwrite so it's a fairly forgiving in that respect okay so I'm just going to click on save so remember I changed I changed this one back to where you used to spelled and then because it's going to append I'm just going to delete it so I'm going to delete this one I'm going to delete this one so that you will append and I will leave this one here okay so now what I'm going to do is I am going to go back here I'm going to upload again so this time I'm going to upload the same file okay except I will select append instead of import and I'm going to do that and it's done I'm going to refresh the screen so notice this one is back because it's append so you add it back here this one is to this one didn't change and there should be a target audience called diabetes educator that has been added back but notice the target audience that I used to have in here was not removed because when I imported I selected append instead of replace so the system was smart enough to say okay I'm just going to add what's not already there but if something that was there like a subtitle I will keep it there because I'm not going to overwrite it so once again earlier video we showed how to replace here we're showing how to append or add in addition to thank you
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to add or append data to a system using an Excel file. They upload the same file and make changes to specific elements, such as deleting and changing values. They explain the importance of having two files, one for the existing data and another for the data to be added. The speaker shows that the append function only adds new data and does not overwrite existing data. They conclude by emphasizing that in a previous video, they covered replacing data, while this video focuses on adding or appending data.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
Excel file
add data
append data
upload file
existing data
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