Managing Courses' Meta Data using Excel file
5 - How to update multiple products with a big Exc ...
5 - How to update multiple products with a big Excel file
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Video Transcription
So now that we have shown how you can import the Excel file to update or append metadata, we're going to upload a much bigger Excel file. As you can see here, it has almost 80 rows exactly. And like I said before, column B is what we pivot on, and there's quite a few columns to the right. So we're going to import this file, but we're just going to look at the first one, which is right here, Behavioral Health in Diabetes Care. And I'm just going to open up the metadata right here to show that it actually has quite a bit of data already. Right here, it has quite a bit of data already. And what we will do is we're actually going to replace what's already in the system with what is in the Excel file. So keep in mind, we're not doing append, we're doing a replace. So everything that is in the system will be replaced with what is in the Excel file. Okay, so that's what we're about to do. So here we go. And I just want to make sure everything's good. So I'm going to go to the course page. I'm going to click on Course Metadata. I'm going to click on Import, and I'm going to select this new file. Actually, the new file is in this folder right here. I have a clean version of it. So as you can see here, the system is going to try to validate, and it's going to tell you if there's any data that it cannot import. So as you can see here, this particular Excel file, there's a few product code that does not exist. So we're just going to ignore the fact that some of the product metadata will not be imported, and then we'll deal with that later. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to select Replace, and I'm going to click on Import. So as you can see, it's going to take a little bit longer to import the data just because there is more information to import. So I'm just going to pause the video and then resume when I finish. Oh, actually, I already finished. I'm just going to come over here. I'm going to hit Refresh. So you can see here, the data should match what is in the Excel file. As you can see here, Education Program, the length is here. The target audience is listed here. The experience level is right here, Diabetes Management. The topic is one, two, three. There should be three topics, one, two, and three. So as you can see, the Excel file allows you to quickly upload, either upload, replace, or upload, append all the metadata directly into the system, and you can manage basically all the metadata using Excel file. Thank you.
Video Summary
In the video, the presenter demonstrates how to import an Excel file to update or append metadata. They upload a larger Excel file with almost 80 rows and show that column B is used as a pivot. They open the metadata for a specific entry, "Behavioral Health in Diabetes Care," to show that it already has data. They explain that they will replace the existing data in the system with the data from the Excel file. The presenter then goes through the steps to import the file, selecting the replace option. They mention that some product metadata will not be imported due to non-existent product codes. After importing, they refresh the page to show that the data now matches the Excel file. They conclude by stating that the Excel file allows for efficient uploading and management of metadata. No credits are mentioned.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
import Excel file
update metadata
append metadata
pivot column
replace existing data
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