PARS Integration
2 - User experience with CME Passport integration ...
2 - User experience with CME Passport integration enabled
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Video Transcription
If your system has PARS integration enabled for CME passport, when the user claims CME credit, they will be prompted with this information. First name, last name, primary state of licensure, their license number with that state, their date of birth, and whether they want to do the CME passport or not. AC CME requires that if you offer CME passport integration, you must also give your audience the option to opt out. But in this particular case, imagine I enter this information correctly, I will hit submit. OASIS will send this information to PARS, and if any information is wrong, PARS will reject in real time, and the user will have to fix any mistake they have made and claim again. Note that this pop-up is populated with the information they have previously entered, so they don't have to enter this again, but they do have to click on submit every single time they claim CME credit. So this is what we refer to as CME passport integration user experience. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video details the process for claiming CME credit with PARS integration for CME Passport. Users provide personal and licensure information whether they choose to use CME Passport or not, with an opt-out option available. Upon submission, OASIS forwards the data to PARS, which rejects any incorrect information in real time, necessitating corrections. Users must re-submit each time they claim credit; however, previously entered data auto-populates, simplifying repeated submissions. This describes the CME Passport integration user experience.
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CME credit
PARS integration
CME Passport
user experience
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