Permalinks within OasisLMS
1 - Built-In Product Permalinks
1 - Built-In Product Permalinks
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Video Transcription
This video tutorial will go over multiple permalink conventions that's available in OASIS. The first permalink that we want to talk about actually is a permalink to any product you have. So on any product, there's going to be a product code. And the product code is used to create a built-in permalink. And the format of this built-in permalink is going to be the website URL that you have, followed by the word URL, followed by the word product. So as you can see, this part, the actual URL is going to be whatever your website is. And this part does not change, followed by the product code, which you should know when you set up the product. So when you actually take the user to this link, you will see the user will be able to see the front page and they'll be able to log in to access the product. There is a slight variation of this particular URL called authenticated. And when you send the user to this page, what happens is the user will have to log in first in order to even see what the product is about. So if you have a single sign-on, the user will be challenged to do single sign-on in order to see the product. So typically, we recommend this one just because the user will at least see what product they just landed on before they log in. But you have the option to force the user to go through a login process before they see what the link is. So this is what you can get for free just by having any product in the system with a valid product code. With that said, it is important to note that we recommend that you do not put special characters in product code simply because when you put a special character in your product code, you will create issues as a part of the URL. So just keep things simple by using alphanumeric characters for your product code. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains different permalink conventions in OASIS. The first permalink discussed is for a specific product, which is created using the product code. The format of this permalink is the website URL followed by "URL" and "product". When users click on this link, they can see the front page and log in to access the product. There is a variation called authenticated, where users must log in before seeing the product. It is recommended to use this option so users can see the product before logging in. Special characters in the product code can cause issues in the URL, so it is advised to use alphanumeric characters. No credits were mentioned.
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permalink conventions
product code
special characters
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