Practice Exam, a special case of Assessment Exam
Setting up User Defined Practice Exam
Setting up User Defined Practice Exam
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Video Transcription
This video tutorial will go through how a practice exam works in Oasis. This is a use case where you have a lot of questions and you want to make the questions available for user so that they can practice but they don't necessarily have to take the whole exam in one go. So the way you do it is we click on add course and we select assessment exam and let's just fill in some basic information. First one let's say my personal question bank, alright, just as an example. So we are going to say that we are tracking topics and for illustration purpose I'm only going to pick four topics. So those are the only questions that's going to be used. I'm not going to give credit for doing this practice and for illustration purpose I'm just going to set it to free. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up a very simple shell of the practice exam but make sure that I select practice exam instead of regular assessment. Now what you can do is you can click on save and continue. There are two modes that we have. We are going to go through user defined practice exam and then we're going to go through one called admin defined. So here each time someone create a practice exam let's say we're going to call it quiz. So later on when we go through the learner we'll show where this word quiz show up but you can see here the learner will select whether it's exam or learner mode. It's always going to be dynamically created, randomly selected based on user's criteria. We don't limit how many questions user can pick and we don't limit whether there is a time limit or not. User can set themselves and then we can say how many practice exam they can generate and how many open practice exam they can generate. So if I leave it empty they can create as many practice exam out of the pool as they want and they can have as many open as they want. If I set to one then they can only have one open at a time but they had to finish the open one before they can open a new one. So for illustration purpose I'm just going to leave everything empty and I'm going to click on save and continue. I'm just going to for illustration purpose I'm just going to reuse some existing questions but I'm going to skip this step for now to go to the end. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to populate the questions into this my personal question bank course and then I'm going to go through the learner experience based on the configuration that we set as administrator. So I'm just going to add some questions that has already exist in the system that we can reuse. Keep in mind that you can always write brand new questions for this question bank but for now we're just going to reuse some existing questions and system will automatically know which topic I have already declared is applicable for this particular product and it will only allow me to select those that matches. So I'm just going to quickly go through these. There are probably a little bit more than 200 questions that matches the topic that has selected. Let's go back. There's 170 questions. So now any user can start doing a practice exam out of this 170 question pool. So I'm just going to publish it and then we're going to go through the learner side. So we're going to click on publish and notice that it's always random so you cannot really change your mind on that. Here's all the tools that you want to make available to the learner. We'll keep it default. We definitely want to show the score for the user since they probably care about how they did and then we're going to publish. So now it has been published. We're going to walk through the learner side now that I have published a practice exam where user defines how the exam is generated.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to set up a practice exam in the Oasis platform. The process involves creating a course and selecting the assessment exam option. Basic information such as the question bank name and topics are inputted. The speaker sets the exam to be a practice exam instead of a regular assessment. Two modes of practice exams are explained: user defined and admin defined. The user can choose exam or learner mode and set criteria like the number of questions, time limit, and the number of practice exams they can generate. The speaker adds existing questions to the question bank and publishes the practice exam.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
practice exam
Oasis platform
user defined
admin defined
question bank
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