Practice Exam, a special case of Assessment Exam
User Experience in User Defined Practice Exam
User Experience in User Defined Practice Exam
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Video Transcription
set up a practice exam where we allow users to pick and choose what kind of questions go into their practice exam from our pool. Let's go through the learner process and see how that works. So we're gonna get started. Notice that I'm not going through the purchasing process as I made everything free so that the things are going to get started fast. So as you can see the first thing you see is they can pick the modes of their practice exam or a quiz. Remember quiz is a custom name that we have defined when we first set this up to say each time they create a practice exam what do we want to refer it as. So we're referring to it as a quiz. So we can say we want to do study mode and there are four topics so we can say we only want to do two and there are 96 and I will pick 20. I don't want to set the limit and I'll create. So now you can see there are 20 questions broken into two topics nine questions and the 11 questions and that's just because randomly it just happens that they almost broke evenly and then we can get started. This is in study mode which means they will see the response as soon as they submit and any given time they can go back to this particular quiz that they created and see how they do. Remember we said so that the user can create unlimited quiz and have unlimited open quiz so any given time they can create a new one say do exam mode and pick another two topic for example and create a 30 question and they can set a time limit 25 minute. So here as soon as I start there is going to be a timer that's associated with this exam and I sort of have to finish within that time. So that is how a learner can basically pick and choose how they want a particular quiz to be configured and because we allow them to have unlimited open quizzes they can anytime click on history and go back in history to go to the ones that they were working on earlier. So as you can see here that 15 questions in each broke down nicely evenly and they can continue and the timer will continue run. So that is how a learner side looks like when you have a practice exam where learner decide what kind of question comes out of the pool. So I'm just going to quickly switch over to administrator, finish the quiz and then let's see what that looks like so so here we go. Alright so I'm going to go down to more fun the user I go to user courses if I scroll all the way to the bottom I go to here you can see the two quiz the person has opened so I can finish for them right so I'll give myself 88% for this one and I'm going to give myself let's say 47% for that one. Okay so now I can switch over to the learner side and then we'll see what the user's experience looks like after their quiz has been finished. So we're going to go in there take a look they can see that topic how they did they can go back to history they can look at the first one and see how they did. So this is how a practice exam looks like when user decide which question they want to pick.
Video Summary
In the video transcript, the speaker explains a practice exam feature that allows users to choose the type and number of questions for their practice exams. The process begins by selecting the desired exam mode (e.g., study mode or exam mode) and topics. The speaker demonstrates creating a study mode quiz with two topics and 20 questions. The user can then view the questions and submit their answers immediately. Additionally, users have the ability to create multiple practice exams, set time limits, and access their exam history. The video also briefly mentions an administrator's ability to finish a user's quiz and shows how the user can review their performance and history after completing the exams.
Meta Tag
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practice exam feature
choose type and number of questions
exam mode
study mode
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