Pre-Exam Based Personalized Learning
3 - What the user experience looks like
3 - What the user experience looks like
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All right, so now I have opened another browser, I have logged in as a student named Dave Finch. What the user sees here is they will take the pre-test and then the personalized modules will open up with the five lowest scoring topic that the user have experienced. So I'm going to click on pre-assessment and I'm just going to quickly take the test. So now I know that I'm just going to randomly answer this exam, all right? So here we go. I'm going to go to Dave Finch, User Courses, I'm going to select here and I'm just going to answer and notice I'm just going to have a fairly low score of 50% just so that there is enough mistakes to be made. So here we go. I'm going to re-enter the test, I'm going to continue, I'm going to submit it. So here we go. So notice I have randomly answered it with a 50%, I'm going to click on topic. Notice that the topic is fairly randomly generated just because it's three questions each, but for sure acid disease is one of my weak area because I get all of them wrong. So is inflammatory bowel disease, another one I get all wrong, and then this one I also get fairly low. So I'm going to dock it to the right-hand side, actually, I am going to duplicate the page, I'm going to put it side by side. So on the left-hand side, I'm going to navigate back, notice that the personalized module has opened up. When I click into it, I have one, two, three, four, five, I only have five modules available and the first one is esophageal disorder because I score fairly low. Acid disease stomach is also one of my worst performing. Next one is viral hepatitis, which is right here, also 30%. Another one is this one right here, I cannot pronounce, liver transplant, another low scoring one, and inflammatory is here as well. Next one is gastrointestinal bleeding, I also score 33% and same as nutrition, but because we don't really have any tiebreakers, the system just generate five instead of trying to have a multiple fifth place finishers. So as you can see, even though the user enter a product that has 17 modules, only five is generated for the user because only these five represent on-demand courses whose topic happen to map to the topic in the pre-exam where the user scored the lowest. There is additional ways that's more complicated to do personalization, but this method is the easiest way. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how a personalized learning module works for a student named Dave Finch. Dave takes a pre-test and receives a low score intentionally. As a result, five personalized modules are generated based on his weakest areas, including acid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, viral hepatitis, liver transplant, and gastrointestinal bleeding. The speaker explains that this method of personalization is the easiest way to match topics from the pre-test to the on-demand courses available. No credits were granted in the video.
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personalized learning module
Dave Finch
acid disease
inflammatory bowel disease
viral hepatitis
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