Public vs Private Enrollment
Enrollment by Invitation Code
Enrollment by Invitation Code
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Video Transcription
Suppose you have a course and let's make this course private enrollment so that you decide who has access to the course. Right now, nobody is enrolled, so if I open this other browser and then just refresh it, I'm going to be not eligible. I actually cannot manually enroll everyone who's supposed to see this course because I don't know who they are or there are too many of them to manually enroll. One way OASIS allows you to do is give an invitation code. So let's do that. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to open this course and I'm going to enrollment and I'm actually going to add an invitation code. So the idea behind invitation code is I'm going to give the code to anyone and everyone who is supposed to be able to access the course. Now if they happen to share the code with someone else, then you could potentially open the door for people who shouldn't enroll in the course, ends up enrolling in the course. That's sort of a risk you have to take if you don't know who the target enrollee is and you have to go strictly by a code. So let's call it code XYZ. You can set usage cap to stop the code from being used after a number of usage. You can also set a start date and an end date so that the code can only be used either before or only used within a window of time. But for this purpose, we're not going to have the start date and the end date. We're just going to have a code so that you can see how that will work. So now that I have added this code here, I'm going to switch to the learner and refresh the screen. So what you have now is the user will no longer be blocked, saying it's not eligible. We're going to give the user the benefit of the doubt that he has the code, but they have to provide the code. So now the user clicks on enroll by invitation code and the system will let the user type in the code. So the user is going to type in the code. So let's say they type in the code, a bad code. Obviously the system is not going to let them. So let's say we type in the correct code and click on enroll. Then the user is officially enrolled in the course and if there is any money involved, then they still have to make the purchase. But the enrollment part of it is strictly controlled by who happened to have a piece of code that gives them access to it. Keep in mind that you could have multiple codes. So you can have code, say January 2019, and then let's say this code is only usable, let's say January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, for example. So this code can only be used within that year. Any time after, the code is not going to be valid anymore. So you can have more than one code and each code can have its own window of validity to it. The system will also let you track how many times it has been used.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses how to create a private enrollment course using OASIS. They explain that instead of manually enrolling each participant, an invitation code can be given to those who should have access to the course. The speaker demonstrates how to add an invitation code and explains that it can have usage limits and a start/end date. Once the code is added, users can enroll by typing in the code. The video also mentions that multiple codes can be used with different validity periods, and the system allows tracking of code usage. No credits are mentioned.
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Creation Year
private enrollment course
invitation code
usage limits
start/end date
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