Public vs Private Enrollment
Public vs Private Course
Public vs Private Course
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Video Transcription
In this video walkthrough, we will go over how OASIS manages users' access to a course. In particular, OASIS uses a two-step process. The first one is, can the user see the course on the catalog? And then, if the user can start the course, if he or she can see the course on the catalog. And the second step will always be, yes, if the system does not have e-commerce. Because if the system doesn't have e-commerce turned on, we just assume everyone has access to the course as long as they can see it. But it is a two-step process where we control the visibility of the course to a user, and then whether the user has the right access to such a course. To illustrate the subtle difference between the two, we'll use an example. On this screen here, you'll see that every course in the system is displayed to the user regardless of who the user is. So in this particular case, every single course is referred to as public enrollment. So as you can see, I haven't logged in yet, but every course I can see, I can click into it, I can see the detail of the course, I can see how much the course costs, and I can log in to either pay or take the course. So in this particular case, every course is public enrollment, meaning everyone can see it. Now, this is Firefox. I'm going to switch over to Chrome to show you that every single course, as administrator, you will see that the lock is open. That means it's open enrollment. Everyone can take the course, as long as they pay for it, if there's a fee associated with it. Now, let's try to do the opposite. So we're going to, so let's go to one of the courses that already exists. Let's take US Truck Highway, and instead of public, which means it's going to display on the catalog, we're going to change it to say it is managed enrollment or a private enrollment. So we're going to click on update. So a couple of things I want to make sure everyone understands is now that US Truck Highway 50-3 girder design has been changed from public to enrollment, as administrator, you can easily see that fact by the fact that this is a lock. In addition, when I switch over to my Firefox, notice that this particular course, if I hit refresh, it is gone. That means the course will no longer be displayed to the public, and only user who are enrolled in the course can take the course. So right now, nobody's enrolled, so if I log in as myself, I will not be able to see the course, even though I logged in. So now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to this course that is privately enrolled, and go to the enrollment button, and I'm going to enroll myself. So here we go. Now that I have enrolled myself, if I switch over to the Firefox browser, and I'm just going to refresh the screen, you'll notice that the course shows up. So this is a very important feature within OASIS, where you can control whether a course is visible to the public or not, and if the course is not visible to the public, you can decide who should actually be able to see the course by messing with the enrollment rule. Now, if your enrollment rule is more complicated, you can use enrollment group and the imitation code, which we'll explain in a later tutorial. But for this video tutorial, it is very important to understand the difference between a public course versus a private course.
Video Summary
This video walkthrough explains how OASIS manages user access to courses in a two-step process. The first step determines if a user can see the course on the catalog. The second step considers whether the user has the right access to the course, particularly if the system has e-commerce enabled. The video illustrates this difference with an example, showing that a public course can be seen by anyone and has open enrollment, while a private course can only be accessed by enrolled users. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the distinction between public and private courses in OASIS.
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user access
course management
two-step process
public and private courses
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