Question Search
4 - Question IDs
4 - Question IDs
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Video Transcription
Say that you have used a couple of filters to filter your question. You can use these filters as a way to define the universe, and then you can search. So for example, I can search for question ID 5192. And what's happening is this search is conducted with these filters applied. So keep in mind that the question search and question filter can be used at the same time. And when you have already found the questions you want, sometimes it is easier to just go here and say copy question IDs, and then copy these. So when you copy these question IDs, it's essentially almost like a snapshot of what questions you want. I have shown earlier how you can save a question search so that that search can be dynamically rerun in the future. But sometimes you don't want that. You just want the concrete list of question IDs, and our nice handy tool right here, copy question IDs, give you a comma delimited text string so that you can drag and drop. You can take that everywhere you go. And in other part of the system, sometimes you will ask you to copy and paste a list of question IDs, and the easiest way to get that is by doing this. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to use filters to search and define a specific universe of questions. They demonstrate how to search for a question using a question ID, and how that search is conducted with filters applied. They mention that the question search and question filter can be used simultaneously. Additionally, they show a feature that allows users to copy question IDs, which provides a snapshot of the desired questions. This copy can be saved and used anywhere, including in other parts of the system where a list of question IDs may be required. The video concludes by mentioning that copying question IDs is the easiest way to obtain and share a list of desired questions.
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copy question IDs
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