Question Search
9 - Advanced Question Mechanics
9 - Advanced Question Mechanics
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In addition to normal questions that can be used in the exam, OASIS also offers two other question mechanics. First is a question series. We refer to the question series, some people refer to it as a question cluster or a case series. In either case, the idea behind a question series is that it's a question that has two or more questions linked together. In this case, you can see that the question itself can have a stem and multimedia asset that is shared between the two questions, so that the both question one and the question two are somewhere related to each other based on the similar stem. So keep in mind the question series allows you to have two or more questions asked in the same sequence even though they are used in an exam that does randomization. The idea is even though all the other questions are randomized in sequence, the question series will preserve the questions inside the question series without being randomized. That is a question series. In addition, we also have enemy questions, which essentially saying that if you have multiple questions that are similar in nature, you could set them up as enemy questions so that they will never show up on the same question. If you have questions about these two more advanced mechanics, please reach out to support. But this concludes our tutorial on how to use the question search page within OASIS. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker discusses two additional question mechanics available in OASIS, an exam software. The first mechanic is called a question series or cluster, where two or more questions are linked together based on a shared stem and multimedia asset. These questions are related and are not randomized within the series. The second mechanic is enemy questions, which ensures that similar questions will never appear together. The tutorial concludes with a reminder to contact support for any questions about these advanced mechanics. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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Question Series and Enemy Questions
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video tutorial
question mechanics
question series
enemy questions
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