Question Writing and Management
Suggest Distractors for Question Writers
Suggest Distractors for Question Writers
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So, suppose your faculty is tasked with writing a question. So, he knows the questions to write, and let's say he also knows the right answer. However, he's having a hard time coming up with the wrong answer, or the distractors. Now we have the ability to suggest a distractor. When you click on distractors, there's a little bit of information we want to basically make sure they understand. Mostly, the questions that we generate do not get saved automatically. They do have to review and make sure that the distractors are a valid distractor before they copy it. But the stem of the question is here, so they can click on suggest distractor. And then we're basically going to create a distractor with the reason why. The user can look at it and say, you know what, I'm going to try another one. He will click on it again, a new one is going to be generated. He can continue to do this until he finds a distractor that he likes, he can copy it, then he can go back and he can basically say, hey, this is actually a decent distractor. But obviously, it is recommended that they review it and maybe make some changes. So this is how suggest distractor works, and this is a feature that is available for your faculties and administrators while they are creating a brand new question. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses a feature called "suggest distractor" that is available for faculty and administrators when creating questions. The feature helps in generating wrong answers or distractors for multiple-choice questions. The user can click on the suggest distractor option and a new distractor with a reason why it is a valid option will be generated. The user can try multiple options until they find one they like, and then copy it. It is recommended to review and make any necessary changes. The feature is available for faculty and administrators while creating new questions. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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suggest distractor
creating questions
wrong answers
create distractor with ai
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