Question Writing and Management
Translate Questions for Administrators
Translate Questions for Administrators
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Video Transcription
If you as administrator has a few questions that you would like to clone, except you would like to clone to a different language, you can select the questions, you can click on translate selected questions, and then you can decide, okay, these questions I would like to, let's just keep it in the same item bank, and I would like to translate into, for example, Japanese. And then I'm going to just add the word translate at the end of the title. I'm going to click on translate. So keep in mind, right now I have three different questions, and then when I click on translate, the system will actually use OpenAI to translate the questions they have selected, and then put the question, the translated question, in the added status, so that you will have a chance to review them, make further modification before the question is used in a final exam. Keep in mind that this translation process is a little bit time consuming, so it is recommended that you translate small sections at a time. So now the question has been translated, we're just going to go back. Notice that there's an icon that indicates which question has been translated, and we have the original name followed by translate to, then the name of the language. All the questions that have been translated is initialized with the added status, and then when you go there, you will notice that it has been translated into their languages. Please, please, please make sure that if you have any HTMLs in your questions or answers, the HTMLs are translated correctly, as it has been discovered that not all HTMLs are preserved in their correct format when the questions are translated. This mostly happens when the target language has words that need to be moved in sequence, and then the HTMLs may not travel with the word that has been moved. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to clone and translate questions in an administrator platform. The process involves selecting questions, choosing the desired language (e.g., Japanese), and clicking "translate." The system then uses OpenAI to translate the questions, displaying the translated versions for review and modification. The speaker advises translating small sections at a time due to time consumption. Translated questions are labeled with an icon and displayed with the original name followed by the target language. It is important to ensure that HTMLs are translated correctly, as some may not preserve their format during translation. <br /><br />No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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clone and translate questions
administrator platform
selecting questions
translating questions
OpenAI translation
translate question with ai
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