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How Related Products or Recommended courses works
How Related Products or Recommended courses works
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Hi so this is to show how the related course works so right now I don't have it turned on so it's in the catalog if you look, for the specific product, I'm just going to select this WHAT video on Demand if you click here, there's no course here so when i login as admin, if i go to dashboard and layout courses now there are no courses, when you click on it, the related courses work that is, the color changes to green, it means the related product is working after the related product is working, you will see here, the related product tab if there is no course, this will not appear, so I will show you I will turn it on again, I will refresh, I think the admin define is gone but here still nothing will appear, so as admin, you login you go to dashboard, layout course, you turn it on, after you turn it on You can choose a course, and I'll just refresh this if you go to the related product works, I'll see wait, does this work? wait, maybe this will take some time this is WHAT let me see related products so now that you have it turned on this one is admin define related products will show up so you can, I'm going to break this down, so the first thing is whoever sees this APA video on demand, we're going to see, we're going to be recommended for this course so I'll add another one, another one, enum score, I'll see what percentage this is, you can rate, I'll say 100 percent, every time when people see the APA video on demand they will be suggested for this enum course and other ways i will click save oh, don't have so are we, this one says that the related courses don't have should be fine, but maybe they want to be the same, let's see okay, then there is no need to rephrase, so there is only one way, right? so WHAT, now this is WHAT, as a student, I will rephrase this as you can see here this is admin refresed so whoever sees this APA video on demand they will be recommended to this enum course that's what the admin refresed and anyone who watches the APA video on demand, they will see the enum score test as you see, the second one is here and the third, the fourth, and so on, it is based on the instructor meaning, based on how many regular students take this course. the more people will be recommended for this course that's how it works, and from the most to the least, right? regular students, and if you have taken this course then it will not appear in recommended courses so for example you will see Alphonso design course the design course, and then the first one, and the second one is Simon here, the missing content quiz course so, I'm going to open it, I'm going to show you i login as Novita, and Novita has been running here that's why, the system will not recommend this course again to Novita so, that's how it works I hope this helps, thanks.
Video Summary
This video demonstrates how the related course feature functions within a catalog. The process involves turning on the feature, selecting a specific product, and ensuring courses are visible under the dashboard. When activated, recommendations for related courses appear based on user interactions. As an admin, the choice of courses suggested is customizable and influenced by student engagement levels. Each user will receive personalized recommendations, avoiding redundancy for courses they have already taken. The system dynamically adjusts its suggestions based on user activity and instructor influence.
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