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How to Add Exam or Course Post Launch?
How to Add Exam or Course Post Launch?
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Video Transcription
I have two exams here right I started one and I added one after I started it so I'm just gonna go back here and now that I have these two going I'm gonna go back in here right answer another question and I'm just gonna submit now I'm gonna go back to the course so let's see this is the course and I'm gonna show you that you could add one after you have started the course so then I'm gonna go here add child course existing course and I'm just gonna expand this and look for another exam now this looks proper to me click it so this one currently it's not published so I'm gonna go ahead and publish it before I'm gonna go back to details and then I'm gonna put a release date on it I'm gonna put it for tomorrow now I'm gonna go back to the course on my end so I'm gonna go back to my courses and then you'll notice here there's the one I started the one I had previously added and this one is locked until tomorrow but yeah you could add post launch I forgot to mention something in my previous recording and I wanted to mention it to you before you move on and that is in your child courses since you're gonna be adding week by week or say you have four right and they complete them add one add one of the products and it doesn't have to be an exam it could be a non-demand but it just needs to be something of a placeholder meaning if you do this so if I go in here and add a new course I'm gonna add I'm just gonna add another man and let me show you why I'm adding it calling a placeholder but I'm abbreviating it and now you're even gonna add any credit right so then I'm gonna click next go back to details add some content let's see let's add a PDF that's probably the easiest thing so let's upload a PDF here we go click Save right so now it's not screaming for me to publish and then the next thing I'm gonna do is set the release date for some time way in the future and the reason you want to do this is because if the people complete the four products that you previously loaded in the system it basically seems like they finished the whole course which they haven't so I'm gonna this this course to be released on the 31st even though it won't be but it'll keep the course open now and what I mean by the course open the multi part until you finish loading all the questions of the week so publish and you don't even have to display this one it could be managed enrollment so now if I add this one which I already added it right and if I go into the question of the week as a learner or I don't know why I call the QLD might be dyslexic and I don't even know it so now if I go here you'll notice that I can't complete this so even if I were to complete this exam and the other one this one doesn't release till tomorrow so I can't complete the course and this one won't release until December so just make sure you have one that's gonna keep the course from them completing it until they're able to complete it okay let me know if this is helpful
Video Summary
In the video, the speaker demonstrates managing course and exam setups on an educational platform. They show how you can add courses and exams post-launch, set release dates, and handle course publications. The speaker emphasizes adding placeholder content, such as PDFs, to keep courses from being marked as complete prematurely. They show how to schedule the release of different parts of the course to control the learning pace and ensure that learners can't complete the course until all parts are published. This strategy ensures that ongoing courses remain incomplete until all intended content is made available.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
Add Exam Post Launch
Add Course Post Launch
Post Launch
Post Launched
course management
exam setup
release dates
placeholder content
learning pace
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