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How to create course where learners could pick whi ...
How to create course where learners could pick which one they want?
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the way you could do that is actually by using a multi-part and then allowing the user to have choices and let me just check oh you guys have never used the multi-parts okay so let me show you on our demo site it'll be better because i could just build anything and not have affect and not affect any of your products all right so let me go in here and what i'll do is um let me see you guys use mostly exams all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna look for two built out exams already there's no need to reinvent the wheel so let's see all right let me see if there's anything i created let me see this Ramon test bundle Alright, so this is good enough for me. So basically what I'm going to do is clone this one And call it Ramon test bundle time, right? Exam questions also Okay, so now that I've done that I could Then build a multi part now, I have two Ramon exams, right? So then what I would do is go build a multi part But actually before that I have to publish those courses, so let's go look for Ramon again All right, so the one of them is time the other one isn't So I'm gonna do first I'm gonna change the setup on here and for advance and I think here I'm gonna change it to timed. It's one question. So I'm gonna just say Okay, let's see two minutes no break All right, so I'm gonna update so there's the that's the only difference between the two exams one is unlimited time and the other one is Basically a two-minute exam. So now I'm gonna publish this one All right Alright, so I have both courses. Now I'm going to build the multi-part and I'm going to select multi-part and name it Ramon Test Bundle Variant. And I'm just going to say RTBV24 for the year. I don't think we're using topics. Oh, yes we are. NFL Chicago team. Okay, so I do have to select it. NFL Chicago teams. I'm going to make a second on the sequence. I'm going to offer two. So that's all I needed. I click next and then I go to the details and I go to child courses. I'm going to add two childs. So I'm going to select existing courses. Look for Ramon. And then it is going to be Ramon Test Bundle and Ramon Test Bundle time. Alright, I select those. Then I go over to multi-part settings and I say treat child as variant right there. And then it's user select. You could provide your own instructions but do let them know that once they pick one of the courses they cannot go back and pick the other. That's very important that you get that across. If you want to put a completion of one you could do that before they claim credit. It's up to you about anything else. But this is what we wanted to show you is the treat child as variant. It's user select. So now if I go back to details I could then publish. And then when I go to access the course, I will be able to select either one. So I'm going to call Ramon. Wait, is this available? Displayed. Yep, yep, yep. Oh, I misspelled it. Alright, so this is the multi-part now. I click on free. And now you already have instructions here but I say you create your own. It says you can select one course from the following two courses. Please note that once you make the selection you cannot reverse the selection without involving the administrator. Alright, so I'm going to do this one. And the reason I want to do that one, I'll show you the timer you get to see. See? And there you have it. In a nutshell.
Video Summary
The speaker demonstrates how to create a multi-part task for users, utilizing pre-existing exams to build a new variant for a course named "Ramon Test Bundle." They clone an existing exam, adjust the settings to add a time limit, publish the courses, and then combine them into a multi-part task where users choose between the two exams. Emphasizing the importance of user instructions regarding the irreversible selection of a course, they showcase the final setup, enabling users to select a course within the multi-part task. The tutorial concludes with a demonstration of how users can choose between the two courses, highlighting the timer feature as a key component of the task.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
pick course
multi part
multi-part task
Ramon Test Bundle
exam cloning
time limit
user instructions
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