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How to create item bank
How to create item bank
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Video Transcription
What I'm going to do is I'm going to use my demo site to showcase how to build the item bank. All right and so initially in order for me to build an item bank I have to have categories set up for the question. So what I typically do is I first go here and go into configurations and if I'm going to reuse categories it's all fine and dandy but if I want to use a different family I could create my own. As you can see I have this one and Los Gatos which means the cats. I don't know who did that but so what if you don't have a family of a category or a family that you're going to use but you want to introduce a new one what you do is go to tools list and then category family. All right so here I'm going to add a new one and I'm going to call it ASCP categories or topics or whatever. It could be whatever. It could even be an examination or anything of that kind. So once I do that I'm going to choose this to be number one right and then I'm going to go back to tools configuration and then categories. Now I'm going to choose my ASCP topics. As you can see I don't have anything in here yet because it's a brand new palette. So at this point I'm going to add my ASCP topics. I forget what you guys are for so let me google real quick ASCP. Well I kind of want to see the org and education but what what do you guys teach is my question. Okay clinical pathology right so I'm gonna say I'm gonna look up topics for clinical pathology. You know when the So I'm gonna use these three Right Blood urine blood sample Urine not true. Alright, so I'm gonna click add for these three. That's enough for me to have right? So once I add these categories I'm gonna go to the item bank and here I'm gonna add a new item bank. I'm gonna call this the ASCP bank right? And then you must enter a year. Unfortunately that's not something we could leave open. Then I'm gonna be questioned on the category family. So then I choose the ASCP topics and I choose all three of these right? And then click continue. Now here you got to select what type of questions you're gonna have. So I'm just gonna check multiple choice four, five and true and false. That's enough for me. Alright and click save and continue. Then you want to click skip at this point. Then don't click on the delete but go back to item bank details and you're practically all set. So now all your questions have to have one of these topics assigned to them in order for you to create them. Right and it's easy as adding a question manually here or importing the questions. If you don't know how to import the questions let me know but typically this is how you add them. Alright let me know if you have any additional questions.
Video Summary
The speaker demonstrates how to build an item bank on a demo site. First, they set up categories under configurations and create a new category family called “ASCP topics.” Following this, they add category topics relevant to clinical pathology, such as blood and urine samples. They then create an item bank named “ASCP bank,” selecting the new topics and including question types like multiple choice and true/false. Finally, they explain that questions must be assigned to these topics, and questions can be added either manually or imported. The process is straightforward, and assistance is available for importing questions if needed.
How to create item bank
item bank
ASCP topics
clinical pathology
multiple choice
importing questions
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