Questions from Zendesk
How to download question response rate report
How to download question response rate report
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So, when you're trying to find a group of questions that are isolated to one product, you want to look up the product first and identify where the questions are being stored at. So, what I'm going to do is just open up an exam and then follow the path into the exam by clicking on standard assessment exam and then clicking on questions. So here I have these five questions and really all I need to do is click into the question, scroll down, and I identify the location which is the item bank, right? When you've identified the item bank, you could then open a new tab under item bank, click into JAD, and voila, you have the item bank JAD. So here you notice that it's 565 questions, but what you want to do is look for the categories because sometimes it's easier to identify them just by the categories. In this case, I only need these four categories, I don't need 2021, so what I'll do next is go into questions, right, and then I'm going to say distribution exam, no, not distribution exam, it should actually be creation exam, I'm going to look up the item bank, right? Item bank and then it should be J, JAD, there we have it. And you click apply. Now we need to isolate the only four topics that I need, so I'm just going to select topics and okay, those are topic families, I need topic, my bad, okay. So I only need 2022, 2023, 2024, and that is it, I think, yep. So then I click apply. Now I have all the questions that were used during that time period, right? So what I want to do is expand this to 200 and then select this and then what I want to do is go to this box with the up arrow and then click on question export tool. So when this is here, you want to click on customize export. And what I will need from here is actually just, I'm going to use the question ID because that's important, the question stem, so that's going to be question content. Let's see if there's a lead in here. Actually it's probably easier just to select it all and export it. And then clean out the columns because in the end you're looking for very specific columns, but this is how you would generate that report, okay? So as you can see, the questions have been exported and like I said earlier, it's easier to just delete instead of select each one of those. So then what I'm going to do is expand these just a little bit so they are readable. Give me one second. So I'm just going to go here, expand them about that much, all right? Now that I've done that, I don't need the title, any of this. So I could delete that. I do need the stem, the lead in, and then, let's see, all right, so then I need possibly all this. We don't need the image. Yeah. We might not need this either. um let's see comments so we could probably delete all this and now you get into the correct percentage rates so then this one is first attempt last attempt and then the distractor rates of what people are answering them so this is exactly what you're looking for you don't really need the ratings or anything after that clone from question you don't need that let's keep going yeah so you don't need any of this right and there you have it that's how you would generate this report all right let me know if you have any questions
Video Summary
To isolate questions related to a specific product in an exam, start by identifying the item bank where the questions are stored. Open the exam, navigate through the assessment path, and locate the item bank. Filter the questions by categories and the relevant time frame. Utilize the export tool to customize and extract the data needed, primarily focusing on question IDs, stems, and performance statistics. Clean up the exported data by removing unnecessary columns to finalize the report. This process ensures you have targeted and organized information for your specific needs.
item bank
assessment path
filter questions
export tool
performance statistics
question response rate report
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