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Possible fix for a bad SCORM issue
Possible fix for a bad SCORM issue
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Occasionally, when you upload a SCORM file, you'll see the error icon, and it says something about it's missing the IMS manifest file, and so it seems a little bit cryptic on exactly what the problem is. So the best way to do it is just download the document. I have already downloaded the document. It's called test, right? The first thing that we suspect is if I unzip this file, I'm expecting to see... I want to make sure we explain what should be in the zip file versus what ends up being in the zip file. So when I unzip this file, we're expecting to see something like this that has IMS manifest.xml. So that's what we expect to see. Anything that is not this, OASIS is not going to understand. So now let's take a look. I'm going to unzip it, and then notice, hmm, that is not what I'm looking for. So now you could say that, well, you should... Why doesn't OASIS just keep unzipping until you get to the point, which is not that smart, right? So if I unzip this one, then I will see where I'm supposed to see. So just to prove that this is correct, what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this, okay? And I'm going to paste it. So now what I did is I took what's in this zip file, where you can see this problem is being double-zipped, right? So now I'm going to upload this one, and let's see if it works. So here we go. I'm just going to click on Edit, and I'm just going to upload this file right here. All right, so let's just wait a few seconds. I'm going to click on Refresh, and voila, no problem. So it's very important to have a little bit of grace to how OASIS can unzip your file and don't hide your zip file. And that's... Also there are times where if all these are in a folder, don't put it in a folder either. Just make it at the first level. Don't make OASIS dig in your folder structure to look for the score. Thank you.
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