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Reminder Emails expiration dates is NOT correct. W ...
Reminder Emails expiration dates is NOT correct. WHY?
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Video Transcription
And you mentioned you have an expiration date, and you have an email reminder that's expiring for the learners five days before it expires, which would be in your August 11th. But what you mentioned is I have this template, I set up this email, but I'm clicking the preview of the reminder and it shows the 13. I just wanna make it to let you know that the preview is just a preview in itself. It's not gonna, it's basically to help admin to see how the body of the wording of the email is what they want to be sent over, right? That's all. The dates doesn't reflect the actual date of the expiration date. The date is reflecting the date of when you're previewing it. So let's say today's August 8th, right? So when you preview it today, it's gonna say like, well, five days from the expiration date of August 8th is the 13th, which is shown here. So if you set it for 10 days, it's gonna be August 18th, et cetera. So it's just a preview. It's not what's gonna be sent to the learners. It's just what's reflecting when you're previewing the actual email template. So when this is actually set up, the learner would get an August 11th email notifications about the expiring learning activity. I just wanna let you know that this is just because you're testing it at the moment. So it's just reflecting what you have here, but it's not the one that is actually gonna be sent, the date that's gonna be sent over to, the actual date that's gonna be sent over is the 16th. This is just reflecting the days that you set up, if that makes sense. So if I put the 14 days, it's gonna show 14. So it's gonna be the August 22nd, but hope this clears up any confusion this may cause. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses setting up email reminders for learners about expiring content. Despite a preview displaying a different date, the actual email will be sent out five days before the expiration date, on August 11th. The preview date only reflects the day you're testing the email template. For example, previewing on August 8th will show a preview date of the 13th. The preview is for admins to review the email wording. The learners will receive the email on the correct date of the 11th. The video clarifies that the preview date is not the actual send date, which is the 16th.
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email reminders
expiring content
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Reminder Emails expiration dates is NOT correct.
Reminder email
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